38 Things From The Past That Did Not Stand The Test Of Time (New Pics)
Have you ever read your old diary and thought to yourself “oh man, that’s cringy, I’m glad no one will ever see this”? Well, in the age of the internet, hiding your past blunders is no longer as easy as burying your diary under a mountain of stuff in the attic – there will always be someone who remembers.
People online are sharing all sorts of things from the past that might have made sense at the time, but are pretty cringy today. From poorly-aged product names to advertisements for asbestos – check out all the things from the past that did not stand the test of time in the gallery below!
Don’t forget to check out part one here!
Image source: Posts that did not age well
Image source: gaara_19
Image source: Posts that did not age well
Image source: spinybutton49
Image source: xehcimal
Image source: boobailey
“Going through old slides and found this eerily prophetic pic of my brother, captured late summer 2000”
Image source: Phtm
Image source: fortnitelittyest
Image source: thecryptidmusic
The episode of Seinfeld where Elaine is dating a guy who shares a name with a murderer. He keeps getting mistaken for him so she gets him to change his name. She picks up a sports magazine and is trying to find a name for him in there, and comes up with “OJ” (Simpson, she was referring to). The episode was from 93, the murders happened 94.
Image source: DIRKWORKS2
Image source: justinmillerco
Image source: Notfranklloyedwright
Image source: Lord_mush
All the acceptance speeches thanking Weinstein
Image source: widdidam
The Edmonton Swastikas, a Canadian girls’ hockey team. c. 1916
Image source: Finito-1994
There was an interview with Kevin spacey working with kids and he said he was always looking for the shy kid in the corner.
Illustration form a Mad Magazine 30 years ago
Image source: Nulovka
The food pyramid
Image source: Iceklimber
Image source: HonchoMinerva
Those shareable Facebook posts saying you are legally proclaiming that Facebook can’t use your personal information
Image source: IcePickMan
Jared Fogle’s Subway ads
Image source: anerrorofthinking
The Japanese landlord in Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Image source: JimothyDoe
Image source: f4rfields
The whole “cousins” thing they pulled in the english dub of Sailor Moon back in the day with Haruka and Michiru (named “Amara” and “Michelle” in the dub), who were originally written as a lesbian couple.
I know that lesbian couples in a kid’s show would have been a big deal at the time that it came out, but looking back now, they really did a piss-poor job at trying to make their relationship not seem romantic while also claiming they were related
Image source: Posts that did not age well
Image source: mercjakobs
Older tv shows that joke about psychologists and don’t take them seriously. I’m looking at you Gilmore Girls
Image source: alpacalypse_nuu
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