25 Things That Used To Be Everywhere But Are Now Gone
In a recent Reddit thread, someone asked, “What quietly went away without anyone noticing?” The question sparked a wave of nostalgia and curiosity as users shared their thoughts on things that faded out of existence without much fanfare. From cultural trends to tech advancements, here are some of the most interesting answers that give us a glimpse into the subtle evolution of our world.
These examples show how the world can change without us even noticing. Some things disappear in the blink of an eye, while others fade into the background of everyday life. The subtle disappearance of these items and practices highlights how quickly society adapts to new technologies and trends, often leaving the old behind without much fanfare. It’s a reminder that nothing stays the same forever, and sometimes, it takes a moment of reflection to realize just how much has quietly changed.
Image source: crappy_ninja, Kairos Panamá
Politicians resigning after getting caught doing something bad.
Image source: Capital-Database-993, Hotinthakitchen1
Toys in boxes of cereal.
Image source: ButtercupBento, Andrea Piacquadio
Songs as ringtones.
I used to spend ages picking my favourite bit of my favourite song as my ringtone.
Image source: Bash_street, Ju Desi
Potpourri. I swear it was in everyone’s house when I was a kid but I haven’t seen any in in about 15 years.
Image source: Big_Examination1042, Cole Keister
Those strange pictures where if you looked at them in a different way, a 3D image of some s****y zebra popped out at you. I remember going into a shop with my mum looking at them and we came out with headaches. What were those f*****g pictures called?
Image source: Mudhutted, RDNE Stock project
Public concern about the Panama Papers and tax evasion.
Charges against prince Andrew.
Image source: Short_Signal_5772
Image source: slapmeslappy555, Amadea Film Productions
Chuck Norris jokes.
Image source: Harrry-Otter, Karen Roe
It’s been a while since I’ve seen eyelashes on a car.
Image source: Virtual-Breakfast435, Kaboompics.com
Affordable housing
Affordable Energy
Sub 8-hour ambulances
Image source: Eoin_McLove, Guido Jansen
Spontaneous human combustion.
Image source: verysmallwilly, Andrej Lišakov
3D this and 3D that.
Image source: No-Cut-5618, Andres Urena
IPods. Only actually realised recently they stopped making the big ones all the way back in 2014, then the shuffles and nanos is 2017 and then last year they stopped making the touch. It was obvious it was going to happen because we all use our phones for music now but tell someone 15 years ago that Apple would stop making iPods and they would think you were crazy.
tldr: Apple stopped making iPods, nobody realised.
Image source: MashedPotato84, Newsonics
Those black glass TV stands that had us all under a chokehold at one point in the late 2000s.
Image source: leelam808, Alfred Kenneally
Pirate DVD sellers in car parks.
Image source: UnexpectedRanting, charlesdeluvio
Fidget Spinners.
Image source: anon, Mehdi MeSSrro
Orange streetlights are vanishing so quickly round here. The new LED jobs make a huge difference to the feel of the UK at night I think.
Image source: Orange_fan1, Pixabay
Pokemon go.
Those little minty strips you used to put on your tongue to dissolve.
Image source: anon
This will probably age me horrifically but Pogs, I still have mine.
Image source: IntrovertedArcher
Image source: snorom, artistmac
Toms, those little canvas shoes that were in for about three weeks in the early 2010s.
Google+. I remember lots of hype about it being “exclusive” and having to be invited by someone already on it or something, and then… It kind of just faded away.
Image source: Rich6-0-6
Image source: anon, Brett Jordan
Image source: Western-Mall5505, Cedric Fauntleroy
NHS dentist.
Image source: mysilvermachine, Alison_Winchcombe
Fish pedicures.
Got wisdom to pour?