25 Things People Admit They’ll Never Be Able To Fully Comprehend
There are some concepts in life that, despite our best efforts, remain elusive. No matter how simply they’re explained, they just don’t seem to click. Someone asked the Reddit community, “What is something that, no matter how simply put, you still cannot understand?” and the answers ranged from mind-boggling mysteries to everyday conundrums that leave people scratching their heads.
The responses offer a unique insight into the kinds of things that can leave even the most logical minds perplexed. Here’s a roundup of some of the most intriguing answers.
Image source: millvalleygirl, Getty Images
How a person could have a billion US dollars and still think they needed more money.
Image source: TisIFrienchiestFry, Kindel Media
Being willfully ignorant. If the information is there, and you’re told it’s there and how to access it, why would you intentionally avoid it? Why wouldn’t you just go to it and be a little smarter for it? I don’t understand.
Personally, I think if it’s willful and intentional, it circles all the way back to stupid.
Image source: One-Ball-78, Element5 Digital
How convicted felons are allowed to be elected President of The United States but a 34-year old with a clean record can’t.
Image source: that_guy_who_builds, Getty Images
The worship/fascination/idolizing of celebrities/movie stars/musicians and politicians.
I can not fathom caring about someone who has zero idea I exist, and then advertising for them and spending my money to support them. I just can’t wrap my head around the logic.
Image source: Velvet_Dew, Mikhail Nilov
How people can be so cruel to others for no reason.
How in 2025 people still cannot resolve their differences and go to war. How children grow up while bombs are dropping with no food or shelter.
Image source: Ok_Sun_3286
Image source: Lopsided-Potatoe, Arnaud Mariat
The vastness of space.
I can’t get my head around it.
Image source: ThatOldChestnut2, Jason Briscoe
NFTs. Specifically, how they could possibly have any actual value. (Which, I guess, it’s been determined they don’t. :-D ).
Image source: Cinnabun6, NASA Hubble Space Telescope
The big bang, how nothing can explode into the universe. how there was no time before it.
As an Indigenous person in the PNW…there’s a lot.
Let’s start with daylight savings. There’s a funny quote that goes “only a white man could make himself believe that, if he cuts off the end of his blanket and sews it onto the other end, he’d have a longer blanket.” Lol.
Image source: Repulsive-South-9763
Image source: RocMills, Wallace Chuck
Sewing machines. And I worked for a seamstress for many, many years. No matter how often she explained and demonstrated, I came away with the same feeling… witchcraft, plain and simple. Part of the spell must be that other people can’t *see* the magic. I, however, am immune. It’s magic, I just know it is!
Image source: iammyowndoctordamnit, Getty Images
Image source: the_purple_goat, Pixabay
How 1s and 0s turn into music.
Image source: Brush_bandicoot, Javon Swaby
I don’t get people that go gambling. Like do whatever you want I guess it’s just odd to me how much money people throw away on this c**p.
Why people are so willing to follow complete strangers, ex “influencers”.
Image source: Final-Kiwi1388
Image source: ElfjeTinkerBell, Kelly Sikkema
I know the practical side of course, I can use it (not as an electrician of course, but I can hang a lamp and charge my phone), but I don’t understand how it actually works.
Image source: SellingxChloe, Alexander Grey
Dreaming while sleeping. It’s sometimes just so weird.
Image source: Copropositor, Getty Images
Quantum physics.
Image source: manwithoutanaim, NekoJaNekoJa
The double slit experiment.
How people can be diehard soccer fans. Or any sport for that matter.
The team changes every season, and players you’ve boo’d last year now play for your team. Management changes, tactics change, uniform changes, even the stadium won’t last 30 years.
So what are they a fan of? Why do they hate other teams? What’s better about their team, because last year it was completely different.
I just don’t get it.
Image source: donatedknowledge
Image source: Legitimate-Shift-223, ELLA DON
How computers actually work and can play complicated games.
Image source: ClaireAdventures, Joshua Hoehne
Rubik’s Cube. I know there’s a pattern for how to solve it, but I’ve tried countless times and I’ve never been able to solve it.
How governments, law enforcement and banking sector cannot put an end to these blatant scams.
How there is no class action lawsuit against google, x, meta etc for not doing their due diligence and allowing the scam websites and fake “customer support” phone numbers be advertised without consequences.
How crypto is not banned. The crime literally thrives in the cryptoland and nobody bats an eye.
How google, meta etc are allowed to collect data from your every online move and you cannot opt out.
How our phones listen in and that’s not a savage violation of privacy and human rights.
Image source: Capable-Anything269
Image source: Jonas-III, Drigo Diniz
How Vinyl records work.
Image source: dschoni, Peter Simmons
Sailing against the wind. And I do have a PhD in physics.
Got wisdom to pour?
#9…No one said there was nothing before the “Big Bang”. We just have no way of knowing what was there. Personally, I think the big bang has been a regular occurrence over time. All the black holes slowly devour all the galaxies until there is only one massive black hole that eats itself and explodes in a big bang and everything happens all over again.