29 Things Americans Do That Confuses People From Other Countries
Have you ever found yourself enjoying an activity or food that seems completely normal to you but absolutely bizarre to others? You know, like enjoying pear and mayo salad, for example. Well, you’re not alone – there’s a whole country whose weird customs keep confusing people all over the world. An that country is the United States of America.
People on Twitter are sharing weird American customs that are confusing people all over the world, and even Americans can’t explain some of them. From walking around their homes wearing shoes to their weird obsession with trucks, check out the weirdest American customs that confuse people all around the world in the gallery below!
Image source: HoGritz
Image source: hesthehabit
Image source: yungkatelynne
Image source: FusionUniFacts
Image source: Montberte
Image source: SummerSongGirl
Image source: ASXPJESSICA
Image source: wiIIjem
Image source: ZakAbel
Image source: _ElizabethMay
Image source: Scarlet4UrMa
Image source: candacekendall_
Image source: greasybananna
Image source: cutehomelessboy
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Image source: javi_draws
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Image source: abbyrartistry
Image source: semagomez
Image source: JennaGuillaume
Image source: brndizzle
Image source: BANGTANDIOR
Image source: Lisa_rasteg
Image source: Real_Xi_Jinping
Image source: Hxllions
Image source: THEYOUNGTROY
Image source: phoebehalliwels
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