30 Seemingly Innocent But Totally Suggestive Things That Make You Think “They Knew”

Published 2 years ago

Sometimes you’ll spot a naughty sign or an advertisement with a questionable arrangement that looks borderline suggestive. Was it intentional? The ‘They Knew’ subreddit moderators certainly seem to think they did in fact know quite well, what they were doing. 

We’ve gathered a few of the colourful Subreddit’s best examples of such creative expressions of inappropriate messages to share with you below. From bizarre church billboard graphics to peculiar-looking ads with ambiguous statements and incongruous product placements, the following unexpected posts are bound to tickle your funny bone. 

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#1 They Knew

Image source: vsthemind

#2 Yep, They Knew

Image source: SlqSh_

#3 They Knew This Room Number Was Perfect

Image source: kiwiiikee

#4 Middle Age Church

Image source: seguace_di_hog_rider

#5 “The Mixed Up Truck”

Image source: Orgot

#6 Imagine That, It Fits Perfectly!

Image source: ListenItWillHear

#7 Dream Job

Image source: SupremeCookiesxX

#8 They Knew

Image source: JustinSane48

#9 Good On You George!

Image source: eskihomer

#10 Mother Nature Knew

Image source: DriftlessHang

#11 Big Black Lightning

Image source: _kyuti

#12 Whoever Made This Thing Didn’t Like Carrying It

Image source: CrappyWaffleGun

#13 Well

Image source: SircFGC

#14 Come Again

Image source: buzben

#15 Gonna Be A Great Day!

Image source: maccumhaill

#16 The Kid Definitely Knew

Image source: raverrocker

#17 Oh Yeah They Knew

Image source: FakeBenson

#18 How I Bang Your Mother

Image source: Epoxhy

#19 It’s Possible They Didn’t Know

Image source: camhumphreys

#20 Juicy Pie

Image source: LuxGK

#21 Where My Iowans At?!

Image source: mitchbequiet

#22 Bicycle Stand

Image source: Almighty4

#23 Pokémon

Image source: ESI85

#24 Exit Or Entrance?

Image source: gdrai

#25 Everything Reminds Me Of Her

Image source: gideonindc

#26 I Asked If It Was Ironic Or A Bad Design Choice – Was Told I Needed To Think About It Myself

Image source: Golux_Ironheart

#27 They Certainly Knew

Image source: RemarkableExplorer66

#28 Well Ok If I Need To

Image source: Ferropal

#29 I Shower To Get Clean… Not To Feel Even Dirtier

Image source: LucidCunning

#30 Bruh

Image source: Human_Bean08

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



borderline suggestive, culpable, fails, funny, innocent, not so innocent, they knew