The world’s first Rainbow re-created in the glass box

Published 9 years ago


The world’s first Rainbow naturally re-created in the glass box to support of the LGBT community.

Today we are launching a crowd funding campaign “THIS IS HOW NATURE DOES IT” aiming to support the equality of LGBT people and remind everyone that a person’s sexual orientation is a fact of their nature and deserves equal treatment and rights and respect with the majority.

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Oleg Savchuk , creative mind behind the campaign: “We are naturally creating the rainbow inside the billboard, the symbol of diversity, and showing that people are all created differently and being LGBT is not a choice – it is the person’s nature”.

1-Box for vloger.jpg

“The LGBT discrimination is still in place despite of years of fighting for the community’s rights and acceptance. Last’s week incident with the gay couple being kicked out of the supermarket in the East London for holding hands just proves the point.”

Please support us by covering our story on your blog or share it on FB or any of your favourite social network


No person, whether it is lesbian, gay, bi or trans must not experience discrimination, abuse or even violence simply for being who they are. Let’s remind everyone that we all are created by the nature the way we are – this is how NATURE does it!

Thank you so much for your time and support! We can make it together!

Our contacts


Alexandra +44 7590 893969

Oleg +44 7575 366866

Rainbow box (this is how nature does it)

Rainbow box (this is how nature does it)


Rainbow box (this is how nature does it)

Rainbow box (this is how nature does it)

The final design of the “rainbow box” – decided this version would be the best . Integrated into the city environment on the picture here

Rainbow box (this is how nature does it)

Rainbow box (this is how nature does it)

Final prototype

Rainbow box (this is how nature does it)

Rainbow box (this is how nature does it)

The first model version of the “rainbow box” prototype with the spraying mechanism.

Got wisdom to pour?



advertising, ciber, gay, idea, invocation, LGBT, nature, rainbow, technology