The UK's Unfulfilled Dreams

Published 9 years ago

What does the UK dream of? That’s the question Nationwide Building Society set out to answer in their most recent survey, during which they asked 2,000 Brits what their biggest unfulfilled life goal was. Interestingly, the results show it’s increasingly experiences or self-improvement rather than material possessions we crave, with 47% of us looking to travel before it’s too late, while other popular resolutions were to change job or get fit. In our ever more materially-centred world, it’s good to see that we’ve not completely lost touch with gaining life experience, although not having enough money was still the main reason for dreams not being pursued. In order to bring all dreams to life as far as possible, Nationwide have teamed up with illustrator Rose Blake to compile a gallery of the UK’s hopes. Why not see if you can find yours?

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bucket list, dreams, hopes, money