25 Of The Most “Terrible Facebook Memes” Found Online
There’s a lot of content available online ranging from funny to sarcastic to kinda off-putting as well. While most posts attempt to be relatable in a generally wholesome way, there can be the occasional meme that is just absolutely terrible.
As it turns out, there’s enough of this type of content to make up a whole subreddit on the topic. With over 2.3m fans the, r/TerribleFacebookMemes has the most unpredictable and wild memes from which we’ve shared a few of the most surprising in the gallery below.
#1 Tattoo Bad
Image source: vladdiam
#2 F**k My Wife Lol Xd
Image source: d24ftw
#3 My Grandpa Just Reposted This Make It Stoppppp
Image source: Activity_Stunning
Ross “Sarcastic Dad”: There’s no reason to be a d**k to the person just trying to do their job, but they’re not wrong.
#4 ?
Image source: tea_baggins_069
Zedrapazia: I want to be honest, I don’t care what a woman is. I don’t care what a man is either. I don’t even care what I am. And you know what? It doesn’t matter who identifies as what, nobody is hurt by just being friendly to each other
#5 Laugh
Image source: harley_g00d
#6 This Hurts
Image source: maidenfreaker
Verena: I don’t have the money to pay the dozens of active helpers (not shown on photo) a decent wage to make this possible. I also won’t gain the necessary momentum on crowdfunding to pay for this.
#7 So Funny
Image source: babuchabri
Did I say that out loud? (he/him)cis/het: To be fair, I know so little about computers and programming,I’d probably do that. I’m sure I could make even the toughest, most experienced tech support cry like a baby.
#8 This Definitely Belongs Here
Image source: Responsible-Radio998
Tucker Cahooter: So the atheist child created something actually useful and the religious child didn’t?
#9 Not Too Terrible, But Pretty Close. Finally Found One In The Wild
Image source: Sorry-Nose-7667
#10 Fellas Is It Gay To Care About The Environment?
Image source: Dread-Muffin
Pandora (edited): Men secure with their own masculinity, aren’t threatened by strong women.
#11 Somebody Came Into A Restaurant And Left This Irl Meme. Does This Being Here?
Image source: PacmanTheHitman
Tiff Day: Don’t worry those kids in school all get shot anyway
#12 Omagawd
Image source: dunkradu
#13 Note The Minions
Image source: Max_Stoned
#14 Sure ?
Image source: ROTR93
Zedrapazia: Says one of the people that want to send their children to anti gay camps where abusers roam free and can do whatever they want to the kids.
#15 My Uncle Sent Me This. I’m Still Trying To Figure It Out
Image source: Its_Juliiiii
HelmGrass (edited): fits with how men sit.. somehow they can’t manage to keep their legs together.
#16 Woah Fast
Image source: HaRdCoReMeM
#17 Their vs. Ours
Image source: donfavion
rullyman: Left: someone who cares about the entire world and it’s future. Right: an actual murderer
#18 The “Growing Up In The 70s” Fb Page Is A Gold Mine Of Shit Tier Memes
Image source: vaporgaze2006
Gandalf the Pink: Well it’d be difficult for the kids who didn’t survive to post this meme now wouldn’t it?
#19 I Think This Speaks For Itself
Image source: slixard
#20 Why Is Kermit Involved
Image source: ciaraaxx
#21 Taken Straight From Facebook
Image source: strawberryfawn
bluebottle: Wow! So I should alter my whole appearance and style to suit other people’s tastes, rather than to suit myself? Never heard that before!…. said no woman ever 🙄
#22 A Relative Just Shared This After Sharing Pro Trump Memes For 4 Years
Image source: Jesukii
Szzone: Holy mother of false equivalences
#23 Haha She Wants A Big Dick
Image source: JoeConor92
#24 My Uncle Just Shared This
Image source: Vavrin33
Makabert Abylons: At least it feels like its going in the right direction, that you should not be allowed to compete with females if you went through puberty as a man. More and more high level female athletes speak up about it. How it sucks to train so hard you whole life for a man to come in and break records a woman might never be able to match.
#25 Interesting Facts
Image source: whozayfa
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