40 “Tastefully Offensive” Tweets About Everything And Anything

Published 8 months ago

The thing about the internet is that it is constantly churning out new content. But while some posts may seem stale and old, others can be a refreshing breath of fresh air. The folks at the “Tastefully Offensive” Facebook page create jokes that embody a slightly unhinged energy that adds value to its comedic effect. Scroll below for a run-through of some of their most intriguing posts, irreverently calling out basically everything in a deadpan tone that makes for a painfully relatable experience. 

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Image source: tastefullyoffensive


Image source: tastefullyoffensive


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, hannahkimberlee

Green Tree: This screams compliance with a stupid rule


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, emily_murnane

Sue Denham: I came from a “if you didn’t vomit you’re not sick enough to stay home from school” family.


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, cosmiccereal

Green Tree: aglet


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, lauren_wilford


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, JasonNotEvil


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, kirawontmiss


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, roastmalone_


Image source: tastefullyoffensive


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, ginnyhogan_

Chihuahua Mama: Dolly Parton wouldn’t need that immunity


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, Unkle_K

Auntriarch: I must be the Costa del Face


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, octopuscaveman


Image source: tastefullyoffensive


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, chismosavirus

TeenieMeanie: Also no boob money or sock money. That’s gross even when it’s not the temperature of Satan’s schmeenie outside.


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, TheAndrewNadeau


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, Trudski2012


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, greg16676935420

Brittania Kelli: I had porch pirates, but they stole our delivery of cat litter (not used). They opened it, saw what it was, and the next day put it back on our doorstep. British thieves are very considerate of animal rights, apparently.


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, JeromeyR0me

Savahax: sometimes. stop judging


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, juliareinstein


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, RandallOtisTV

Pittsburgh rare: I like to eat them until my tongue is about to rip apart


Image source: tastefullyoffensive


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, WraithLaFrentz

StPaul9: Well, the original myth does hold that Sisyphus CAN quit, but his blind determination in the face of the obvious result prevents him from doing so. Also, his self honour.


Image source: tastefullyoffensive


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, soymeii


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, townsendyesmate


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, primawesome


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, audipenny

R Sravanthi: Such a creep that Google! 😂


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, BootsMcGoot


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, aschiavone


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, AliahSheffield


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, Muscles__McGee


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, LemuelLyes

Tucker Cahooter: I’m still hanging onto that 25-pin parallel printer cable, just in case…


Image source: tastefullyoffensive


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, nikkifranki


Image source: tastefullyoffensive


Image source: tastefullyoffensive, ElyKreimendahl


Image source: tastefullyoffensive


Image source: tastefullyoffensive

AlaVerge: I hate making calls too.


Image source: tastefullyoffensive

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



comedy, funny, funny tweets, painfully relatable, relatable, tastefully offensive, tweets