Artist Draws USA States As Jolly Caricatures (20 Pics)
American artist, Nathan W Pyle, is the creator behind the popular comic series “Strange Planet”. Involving short stories relating to alien life forms, the page has amassed a following of over 6 million people.
Nathan’s most recent series “USA Geography”, is a novel introduction to the online masses. The doodle-like drawings depict the states of the USA as cartoon characters with unique and individual traits. Scroll below to check out some of his most entertaining pieces that are in fact quite cute and clever.
More info: Instagram | twitter.com | NathanWPyle.shop
#1 Missouri
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#2 Virginia
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#3 New York
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#4 Michigan
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#5 Oklahoma
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#6 New Jersey
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#7 California
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#8 Kansas
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#9 Vermont
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#10 Texas
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#11 West Virginia
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#12 Ohio
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#13 Pennsylvania
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#14 Massachusetts
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#15 North Carolina
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#16 Wisconsin
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#17 Maryland
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#18 Colorado
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#19 Minnesota
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
#20 Idaho
Image source: nathanwpylestrangeplanet
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