Artist Uses Only Her iPhone To Make These Surreal Images Of Mississippi

Published 10 years ago

You can create some surreal images in Photoshop. But what if you were doing all the shooting and editing on your phone? That’s what Melissa Vincent does! She uses only an iPhone 6 (and that’s an upgrade from the cracked iPhone 4 she started with) to take pictures of Mississippi and the surrounding areas and turn them into something magical. Vincent usually uses apps like Snapseed, Superimpose, Alien Sky, Circular, Facetune, Flood, and Retouch, and tags her creations ‘#createdoniphone’.

Melissa Vincent started her iPhone-tography career in April, 2011. Since then, her pictures have been featured in National Geographic, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed and more. “I was born and raised in Mississippi and still live here today,” Vincent wrote on Bored Panda. “My goal has always been to show a different side of Mississippi to the world. I want the viewer to go on a visual trip with me to Oz when they look at my images.”

More info: instagram | facebook | twitter (h/t: boredpanda)

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Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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createdoniphone, dreamlike, iPhone photography, Melissa Vincent, Mississippi, phone photography, photomanipulation, surreal, the South