30 Comics Illustrating The Problems This Artist Has To Face Being A Tall Girl
Even though being tall has its advantages, like being able to reach things on the top shelf with ease, sometimes it can be a hassle, especially when picking clothes and having to listen to the same ‘tall jokes’ over and over again. One artist even decided all of the struggles she has to face in her “Tall N Curly” comic series.
The artist started her comic back in 2012. “I wanted to create some space in my life for something creative that had nothing to do with my work. By doing so, I realized I was telling the story of so many other women,” says the artist. “Women, who, just like me, want and need to be reminded that it’s OK, fun and even special to be different and to own who they are.”
Ever since starting the comic, many women shared their own stories and inspired the artist: “Thanks to them, I never lack inspiration… There’s always something new to tell!”
Check out the “Tall N Curly” comics in the gallery below!
More info: tallncurly.com | Instagram | Facebook | h/t: Bored Panda
#1 A Tall Girl’s Life: Annoying Short Dudes
#2 A Tall Girl’s Life: Watching A Movie With A Taller Girlfriend
#3 If I Could Speak My Mind
#4 When My 6’3″ Cousin And I Are Together, Some People Feel Like It’s An Amazons Invasion
#5 A Tall Girl’s Life: Annoying Questions
#6 A Tall Girl’s Life: Shopping For Clothes
#7 A Tall Girl’s Life: Looking Up Celebrities Height On The Internet
#8 How To Tall Girl
#9 A Tall Girl’s Life: Annoying Short Dudes
#10 A Tall Girl’s Life : Going Shopping With Your Short Bff
#11 A Tall Girl’s Life: On The Plane
#12 Not In The Dryer
#13 True Story…
#14 A Tall Girl’s Life: True Story
#15 A Tall Girl’s Life: Taking A Shower At Some Friends’ Place
#16 A Tall Girl’s Life: My Cousin Mel And The Fridge
Image source: tallncurly1
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