“What’s Something You Wish People Would Stop Romanticizing?” (25 Opinions)
In our day-to-day lives, the things we experience can be quite different to how they are portrayed in books and movies. While fiction tends to glamourize certain aspects of life, in reality, these things may be detrimental to our health and well-being. While it’s confusing that society tends to romanticize these notions, sadly that’s the situation currently according to folks. Recently, when a r/AskReddit topic on the things people wish society would stop romanticising gained traction folks started calling out all sorts of ideas that may seem appealing on the surface, but are quite damaging upon further onsideration.
#1 “Overcoming” disabilities. I’m not overcoming s**t, I’m just trying to f*****g ***live.***.
Image source: RJSnea, pch.vector
#2 Thug/gangsta life styles. There’s a reason these two words are considered bad. It’s not something to strive towards. It’s just violence and more violence. .
Image source: chado5727, Wolrider YURTSEVEN
#3 The wedding industry.
Image source: QueenKittyMeowMeow, Nathan Dumlao
#4 That not taking days off is a good thing. No days off will surely be you burnout very quickly.
Image source: jazztacos, senivpetro
#5 Having the perfect clean cut home and matching a certain aesthetic to where people are calling out the husbands wanting add their stuff to the decor or to the rooms. It’s toxic. Your husband lives there too. Let him put up the dumb deer on the wall if he wants!
And romanticizing the overconsumption of seasonal products on social media platforms. You do not need the new hello kitty or grinch Christmas blanket every year.
Image source: kirbinkipling
#6 War.
Image source: Specialist-Way-648, freepik
SlugpartySausages: When I was a kid in the eighties it was often said there would likely be another world war when the WW2 veterans die out. People with no direct link to the horrors of war underestimate the terrible cost to everybody involved. Seems like there was truth in this prediction.
#7 ADHD!! I’m all in for normalizing it, but please don’t manic pixie dream girl us literally I’m just out here trying to function.
Image source: Major_Run_6822, Kaboompics.com
#8 Lack of education.
Image source: aiwelcomecommitteee, Abby Chung
aiwelcomecommitteee: Sad to say, being a complete moron is a common trope in American media. Jersey Shore, Kardashians.
There’s a fight now in the states about educated elites versus country bumpkin. Both of those are stereotypes, but the rustic rural life gets romanticized as banjo music and buck teeth and not being able to count your toes.
#9 Possessiveness in a romantic partner. Its not cute, its not a sign of how much they love you, it is a sign of abuse and either they need to cut it out or you need to cut them out (of your life, I am not advocating violence).
Image source: icerobin99, Trinity Kubassek
#10 Bad mental health.
Image source: UselessAndUnlovable, cottonbro studio
#11 Trad wives. There is no historical precident for “trad wives” It was few deades after a world war at best. Traditionally women have worked along side men doing everything from farming, running businesses, working in factories or as servants and slaving all the hours of the day, much like men did just to survive. Unless you were very rich everyone worked.
Image source: wwaxwork, prostooleh
#12 Celebrity billionaires and CEOs.
Image source: avsdhpn, senivpetro
Alladin_Payne: Definitely the idea that if someone is a billionaire, they must be really smart and a natural great leader.
#13 Sharing everything you do with your life in social media on daily basis.
Image source: sweeetbella
#14 Cheating.
Image source: saylerthrift, Drazen Zigic
shontsu: Sure, but hear me out.
What if your partner is from the city and works an office job with a suit and tie, but you return home to your small hometown where you reconnect with your highschool sweet heart who wears flannel and rides horses?
Then its ok to cheat right? Because hallmark wouldn’t lead us wrong.
#15 Abusive relationships.
Image source: TheOtherJohnson, pvproductions
“Nobody is glorifying that!”
B******t. Does anyone else remember having to suffer through 2017 of immature couples pretending like Harley Quinn and Jared Leto Joker was hashtag couple goals?
#16 Enabling toxic relatives because “family comes first”.
Image source: dd_phnx, Nicole Michalou
#17 Having a baby to save their relationship. People romanticize having kids but the reality is it’s one of the hardest things on your relationship. Don’t bring a baby into a s****y relationship where it’s guaranteed they will end up with divorced parents.
Image source: Turbulent-Run7089, tirachardz
#18 Stalking.
Image source: hiyac00lcat7685, Abhinna Patel
lunarlandscapes: I think Twilight is actually a great example, I remember seeing a ton of teenage girls romanticizing that Edward kept talking to Bella even when she kinds rejected him. There’s a huge amount of people who romanticize “not taking no for an answer” because the person is just so in love
#19 Drinking! It’s actually so bad for you and yet everyone acts like it’s the best thing ever.
Image source: Mas_Basura, master1305
#20 Street fighting.
Image source: farvag1964, YuriArcursPeopleimages
Someone can take a bad fall, hit their head on a curb or stairs and die right there.
As a lifelong martial artist I can tell you that people are very fragile.
It’s not at all like the movies – even a fight you “win” can leave you with permanent injuries…like my missing front teeth.
#21 Hustling and overwork
Image source: dauntless91, Ron Lach
Sacrificing sleep for the sake of ‘hustling’ or ‘the grind’ is being irresponsible, not proactive. Of course many people are forced to do it by circumstance but that doesn’t mean it’s a good thing.
#22 Psychopaths/narcissists. They aren’t this brooding, hot, super competent person that you can change. They are toxic, will never have any real feelings for you, and will suck you dry as long as you let them.
Image source: No-Material6891, Tobi
#23 Giving birth without the help of pain medicine.
Image source: ArcherEconomy1012, Kelly Sikkema
#24 Romeo and Juliet.
Image source: Ok-Cheetah-9125, Sema Nur
heili: Ah yes, a five day teen infatuation that results in seven deaths. Romantic.
#25 Smoking. Someone told me he wanted to start smoking “for the aesthetic” not even a week ago.
Image source: Bobbo_Blobbo, Julia Engel
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