Starting an Alfresco Restaurant – Things to Consider

Published 9 years ago

Fine dining is a growing trend that many people are adopting in the current society. While dining at posh restaurants was popular at a time, these days people prefer to break bread under the stars. The need to engage with nature and spend more outdoor time has encouraged people to dine in the open and outdoor environment. This trend has led to the emergence of alfresco restaurants in many places. If you are planning to start such a business, then you are headed in the right direction. To make this business a profitable one, make sure to adhere to the following guidelines.

Figure Out Your Concept

Before you decide anything else, you need to think about the kind of restaurant that you want to run. Even if it is an alfresco restaurant, you need to have a specific concept for your business, especially when it comes to the type of food you serve. It is important for you to choose a cuisine that the local people will love and enjoy. If you are planning to introduce something new to town, you must be 100% sure that the people in the surrounding neighborhood will like it.

Location Matters

When it comes to restaurants, especially outdoor ones, the atmosphere and the ambiance matters a great deal. People are going to eat and drink in this space. So, you need to make sure that it is pleasant, hygienic, and clean. If the restaurant is going to be located in a congested, noisy street, nobody will visit your place. You need to make sure that it is both isolated and accessible at the same time. Of course, finding such a place can be a nightmare. This is why it is important for you to use the help of a real estate agent.

Don’t Be Cheap

Never make cheap decisions when it comes to customers. While it is important to stick to your budget and make sensible purchases, you must not forget the importance of customer satisfaction for a restaurant’s survival. When it comes to seating arrangements, make sure to purchase commercial outdoor furniture that is both cozy and aesthetically pleasing. Of course, such investments can cost you quite a bit of money. However, any investment you make to increase customer convenience will definitely turn out to be beneficial for your business.

Overestimate Your Capital

Running a restaurant business – alfresco or not – can cost you a lot of money. Therefore, do not depend entirely on your budget. The expenses of your business can suddenly increase due to the influence of various external factors. Although the costs might add up, it will still take some time for you to start making a significant profit. Until then, you should be able to survive with your capital funds. So, it is best to always have some extra cash in the locker. Do not let the initial success get to your head, since this honeymoon phase will not last forever. With time, things will get tough and your expenditure will rise up


Once you have these factors sorted, make sure to find the best chef in town. After all, the success of a restaurant depends mainly on the quality and taste of the food you serve.

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Sally Wilkinson

I am an enthusiastic blogger.I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, home, travel, digital marketing and following the latest trends in these areas.

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