Office Employees Make Giant Star Wars Murals From Thousands Of Post-It Notes

Published 10 years ago

Are you willing to show your love for Star Wars with 3,597 sticky notes? Because that’s what this office did, making massive post-it murals! The employees of this Viking (more of an office supply than raiding and pillaging store) office plastered their walls with recreations of such iconic and beloved characters like Darth Vader and R2-D2. There was even enough space for a Storm Trooper!

The Vikings don’t hide their inspiration: Ben Bruckner’s superhero office mural sparked the idea for this project. It took a team of four five hours to finish the work. The office walls were made from white board material, which helped them draw lines roughly every five rows of notes, to help with construction. As for technique, everyone went about it their own way, so your office will have to experiment when making your own Firefly/Guardians of the Galaxy/Avatar The Last Airbender mural!

More info: (h/t: boredpanda)

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Time-lapse video of the construction:

Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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mural, office mural, Post-It, Post-It art, Post-It mural, post-it note, Post-It office mural, star wars, star wars art, star wars mural, Star Wars office mural, Star Wars Post-It mural, Star Wars sticky note mural, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, sticky note, sticky note art, sticky note mural, sticky note office mural, viking, Viking Direct, Viking UK