15 Eerie Single-Panel Illustrations That You Shouldn’t Be Reading Before Sleep (New Pics)
Brian Coldrick is an Irish artist who proves that he only needs a single panel to make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. The man has been creating his eerie moving illustration series titled Behind You for a few years now, and if you’re planning to read them before bed, consider yourself warned.
In a recent interview with Bored Panda, the artist said that it was his love for horror films, books, and internet stories that kickstarted the project. “My favorite type of spooky internet story is the real-life account. These barely function as narratives as much as scary scenarios,” explained Brian. “There are so many gaps in the stories there’s lots of room for the reader to fill them in with their conclusions. This series is essentially my attempt to purposefully do the same.”
We’ve already featured some of Brian’s spooky illustrations a few years back here, and now he’s back with even more – check them out below!
More info: Instagram | Facebook | thehairsonthebackofyourneck.tumblr.com | Twitter | briancoldrick.tumblr.com
Image source: slothhoffman
Image source: slothhoffman
Image source: slothhoffman
Image source: slothhoffman
Image source: slothhoffman
Image source: slothhoffman
Image source: slothhoffman
Image source: slothhoffman
Image source: slothhoffman
Image source: slothhoffman
Image source: slothhoffman
Image source: slothhoffman
Image source: slothhoffman
Image source: slothhoffman
Image source: slothhoffman
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