Dark Comics With Twisted Endings That Will Send A Shiver Down Your Spine (3 New Comics)
Writer Ehud Lavski and illustrator Yael Nathan are a pair of artists that create mysterious and spooky illustrated horror stories that might send a shiver down your spine. We’ve featured some of their comics before and now the duo is back with three new eerie comics.
Ehud and Yael started creating comics a couple of years ago but have been friends long before that. “There are always differences of opinion but when there are, we talk through them to see the other person’s perspective,” says Yael. “When choosing a story, we’ll always pick one we’re both passionate about. That is how we continue to be excited about every new story.” The artists get their ideas from almost anywhere: “Some appear fully formed. Some come from dreams. Others from nightmares. Whenever an idea burrows into my head and refuses to let go, I know it’s time to turn it into one of our stories.”
See their comics in the gallery below and don’t forget to check out their new comic collection on Kickstarter!
The Tattoo Artist
“When writing, it all starts with a bunch of messy, handwritten notes. Then I turn them into a script in FINAL DRAFT, a screenwriting program,” says Ehud.
“I then sketch the frames on an iPad, to see how the story flows. Once we’re happy with the form of the story, I pencil, ink, color, and letter the comics in Adobe Photoshop,” says Yael.
Stormy Weather
“There are many people that inspire me. But if I have to chart the DNA of our comics, the biggest inspirations are Neil Gaiman, Guillermo Del Toro, and Junji Ito. Creators who are able to find beautiful, fantastic and horrific things in every corner of everyday life,” says Ehud.
“I think there’s hardly a single illustrator I don’t follow online on some platform. I love watching people create beautiful works. But my biggest inspirations are Claire Hummel, Miki Montlló, and J.A.W. Cooper,” says Yael.
Kurzweil’s Time Machine
The new book the artists plan to release will feature all 15 comics they created in the last 3 years. “We pulled all the stops to make it the most beautiful book we could,” say the artists. “This is just the beginning for us. We have quite a few stories we want to tell, some short and some fairly epic.” The duo says creating these comics is the most artistically fulfilling thing for both of them and they’ll happily spend the rest of their lives creating them.
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