30 Posts That Pretty Much Sum Up What It’s Like To Be “Chaotic Neutral”
The subreddit “Chaotic Neutral” is dedicated to people who are unbothered and do whatever they please in a very calm and composed manner. These people are spontaneous and do not have any good or bad intentions, hence the result of their actions is sometimes chaotic.
Most chaotic actions turn out to be hilarious and therefore you’ll probably find these posts quite amusing. Scroll below to see some people radiating the ‘chaotic neutral’ energy and enjoy! And if you want some ‘chaotic good’ vibes after this, check out our previous post here.
More info: Reddit
#1 Grass Ain’t Gonna Cut It’self
Image source: Kragmer
#2 CN?
Image source: michaekov
#3 Thanks, I Hate Nouns That Are Adjectives
Image source: HammyHamSam
#4 London’s Tower Bridge Was Completely Shut Off Today Because A Man Decided To Sun Bathe On One Of It’s Support Beams
Image source: LibraryVampireWitch
#5 The Peel Is Where All The Nutrients Are
Image source: flooperdooper4
#6 Taking Nimby To A Whole New Level
Image source: drnkchineseboi
#7 Prolly Why I’m Not Allowed To Have Any
Image source: PlayfulYetBored
#8 Ketchup
Image source: L3nnertN1p
#9 Micky D’s
Image source: Kore624
#10 Could Be
Image source: Renaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
#11 7 Year Olds Just Be Like That
Image source: originalangster
#12 You’re Lying If You Said You Never Thought About Doing This
Image source: Coinocus
#13 Passive Aggressive Chaotic Neutral
Image source: evilmaker
#14 Rise Up
Image source: regalbiscuit
#15 Big Cnergy
Image source: roseateOculi
#16 Good Repost
Image source: Lovelyhairedpianist
#17 Hmm
Image source: yoyoha
#18 Shut Up And Take My Money
Image source: My_Memes_Will_Cure_U
#19 Thought This Belonged Here
Image source: Monday93420
#20 Welcome To Our Gander Reveal Party!
Image source: technicallyron
#21 Language Is Hard
Image source: 7PanzerDiv
#22 I Make Horrible Things. Here’s A Paintbrush You Can Lick People With
Image source: louietp
#23 This Is What I Call A Pro Gamer Move
Image source: Cheeseman69420xxx
#24 Sooo.. This Fits Here Right?
Image source: evilmaker
#25 Lowkey Genious
Image source: Aris-Totally
#26 Want To Grow A Beard?
Image source: battleboybassist
#27 Feels Pretty Chaotic Neutral To Me
Image source: notjordansime
#28 It’s Called A Can Opener, Not A Can’t Opener.
Image source: epher95
#29 Chaotic Neutral Finds A Lost Wallet
Image source: Jarl_Zackeus
#30 Squirrel
Image source: Dingusgrassass134
Got wisdom to pour?
Lmao the mask one triggering all these adult children in the comments
Why is everyone talking about masks when we have an albino squirrel rubbing his nipples and looking into people’s houses? This is the real story here people!
Seriously! Mask debate got tiresome a long time ago. The others were making me giggle like crazy!
That tornado at #1 was the one that hit my grandparents place.
Your implying that you have a medical condition that prevents you from wearing a mask? What condition is that? (No, asking is NOT a HIPAA violation) if this condition doesn’t require you to wear an oxygen mask 24/7, you’re full of shit. You can’t breathe because you don’t go outside or exercise enough, so your body struggles to transport oxygen when very slightly restricted.
Somone once said, there are three types of people. Those who watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder WTF just happened?
Tumblr is a great place isn’t it
Hahaha, dunkin on anti maskers, brilliant! Those mongoloids probably don’t even realize they are being made fun of 😂
Hahaha, dunkin on anti maskers, brilliant! Those idiots probably don’t even realize they are being made c fun of 😂
Which one, mongoloids or idiots? I need to know
Which one, mongoloids or idiots?
The only one that ruined it for me was the mask one. First it has been proven that cloth or surgical masks were ineffective, second it’s not good parenting to teach your kids to be rude and to discriminate people but that’s probably me being old fashioned….
100% this. “LOL I get my kid to harrass people with medical conditions!” Also a great way to get a stranger to cause a scene and mentally scar your child while they flip out at you. Mind my own business? Nah, id rather be a smugnorant biggoted liberal middle aged mom that thinks shes a saint because she has a cloth over her face and posts about how bad orange man is. Not at all surprised that someone working for one of these websites with think the mask one is so hilarious… 🤦
Debatable. Anti maskers are exactly the same kind of people that that are usually rude and discriminate on normal days. Besides, they are usually not smart enough to realize that Pele are making fun of them so I don’t see the harm XD
I imagine the mask one was followed by, “Because sweety, mommy didn’t finish high school or go to college so that person probably knows more about virology, and everything, than mommy.”
Maybe the person wearing the mask can reply with : ‘” oh honey! I have a gun in my purse! With a concealed carry permit, I can’t wear a mask, a hoodie over my head or any form of large face covering (can include sunglasses)). It’s not worth thwear one.”
Maybe the person wearing the mask can reply with : ‘” oh honey! I have a gun in my purse! With a concealed carry permit, I can’t wear a mask, a hoodie over my head or any form of large face covering (can include sunglasses)). It’s not worth the potential jail time or a felony to wear one.”