Someone Shares The Contents Of A Coronavirus Comfort Package Supplied By The South Korean Government
When you first heard about the coronavirus, you probably thought of it as nothing more than a flu that will quickly pass and won’t directly affect you in any way. But now, with more and more countries declaring quarantine and nearly 1.3 M cases reported worldwide, it no longer seems that way. Governments of countries seem to be doing all they can to help fight the virus but some appear to be handling the situation a little better than others.
South Korea is providing comfort packages to its citizens to encourage them to stay home
Image credits: Uvzxkwq
Just recently, Imgur user Uvzxkwq shared the contents of a package they received from the South Korean government on their second day of quarantine. Inside the user found some essential safety equipment like face masks and hand sanitizer along with some fresh fruit and vegetables.
The packages are given to quarantined people to help avoid contact with those exposed to the virus
Image credits: Uvzxkwq
In an interview with Bored Panda, TheMemeChurch, a Reddit user that is currently in Korea, said that they were immediately contacted by the local government after having some limited contact with a confirmed case and got tested the next day. “Thank God it came back negative, but they still advised that I self-quarantine for 14 days,” said the user.
The user said they were assigned a dedicated case worker that would check on them twice a day during their quarantine. “Mentioned they would drop off some supplies later that day which I thought would be some hand sanitizer and a box of tissues. Boy, was I wrong!” said TheMemeChurch. “There was also a lot of included literature about best practices and emergency government income for those that can’t work and aren’t getting paid. It scaled up to about 1500USD for a family of five which as a supplement is pretty helpful.”
The package features essential safety equipment like face masks and hand sanitizer along with some fresh fruit and vegetables
Image credits: Uvzxkwq
The user said that the way the situation was so efficiently and professionally handled was a bit calming. “It gives me hope that Korea can somewhat cope with this virus (as well as one can hope) with their aggressive testing compared to most other countries,” said TheMemeChurch.
Special garbage disposal directions were also added
Image credits: Uvzxkwq
“Garbage disposal instructions for people without COVID-19 symptoms: After filling up the garbage disposal bag provided, please keep it and use the anti-virus spray to disinfect the bag (at least once a day). Only fill up 75% of the bag, tie it tightly and use the spray to disinfect it. You should keep the bag until the end of quarantine and call the number provided and they will dispose of it for you.
Instructions for when you’re showing symptoms of the virus: do the same as #1 and after filling up the bag, please contact the number provided.
Instructions for people who were diagnosed with COVID-19: do the same as #1 and call the number provided.”
As well as a letter encouraging people to not lose home
Image credits: Uvzxkwq
Imgur user Uvzxkwq provided a rough translation of the letter: “For people who are currently suffering from the Corona-19 virus, we send our regards and sympathy. We (the food ministry?) is sending this “environment-friendly health package” constructed with environment-friendly crops. We hope this helps you get energy for your daily routine. Furthermore, we hope you get well soon to return to your daily life. You can do it! Fight it! Go South Korea!”
All exposed people get assigned a case worker who contacts them twice a day
People were very impressed by the way the South Korean government is handling the situation
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