Can You Guess What Is This Golden Egg Structure In The Arctic Circle?
Swedes, especially the ones in the north part of the country, are not the most conventional of people. So while it does seem a bit odd when some of them erect a giant golden egg structure in Sweden’s Lapland, it does still feel totally in character.
Now for those wondering what it is, it’s called the Solar Egg, and it’s actually a rather brilliant design for a social structure for townspeople to meet and talk, while also serving as a fully functioning sauna.
Created by the artists Mats Bigert and Lars Bergström, this sauna is designed for harsh Kiruna’s town Arctic climate, where it goes from 24-hour-a-day darkness in the winter to the opposite with the sun around the clock in summer.
Meant to symbolize the rebirth of a once an iron ore mining town, the egg spans 5 meters tall (~ 16.5 feet) by 4 meters wide (~ 13 feet) and features a gold-plated stainless steel shell that also reflects the contrasting landscape around it. It’s constructed out of 69 detachable pieces, which allows the whole structure to be disassembled and moved to another location.
More info: solar egg (h/t: designmilk)
Photos by Jean-Baptiste Béranger
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