10+ Most Incredible Shots Of The 2017 Solar Eclipse

Published 7 years ago

Last Monday, August 21, 2017, the sky over North America went black thanks to the total solar eclipse last seen over the continent way back in 1918. And during the event lasting only a couple of hours (the total eclipse lasted only two minutes) people managed to snap a bunch of amazing photos that are waiting for you below.

Gathered by the guys at Bored Panda, the photos capture the amazing spectacle not forgetting to add a bit of artistry on their own. The total eclipse was visible on the narrow portion of the United States from Salem, Oregon to Charleston, South Carolina, but partial solar eclipse was visible across the entirety of North America, parts of South America, Africa and Europe.

Did you manage to get a shot of it? Then share it with us in the comments!

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#1 I Am The Accidental Photographer Of This Once In A Lifetime Shot

Image source: reddit.com

#2 To The Ends Of The Earth…. This Is A Single Photo, No Photoshop

Image source: instagram.com

#3 The Great American Eclipse As Seen From Oregon. Millions Of People Gathered To The Narrow Path Of Totality To Witness One Of The Most Epic Astronomical Phenomenons Of The Century

Image source: instagram.com

#4 The Day Of The Eclipse

Image source: flickr.com

#5 This Was Undoubtedl Experiy The Most Fantastic Natural Phenomenon I’ve Had The Honor Ofencing

Image source: instagram.com

#6 Hours Of Planning, Scouting, And Driving Went Into Creating This Photograph. It Was On The Verge Of Being Completely Ruined By Clouds. But Thankfully It All Worked Out

Image source: instagram.com

#7 The Eclipse Is Leaving Very Weird Shadows On My Deck!

Image source: imgur.com

#8 View From A Plane Over The Pacific Ocean

Image source: nationalgeographic.com

#9 Another Eclipse Photo

Image source: imgur.com

#10 The Moment Of Totality. Experiencing My First Total Solar Eclipse In The High Country Of Idaho As I Partner With

Image source: instagram.com


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2017 eclipse, eclipse photos, Solar Eclipse, total eclipse, total solar eclipse, totality