Smart Board Eco Board by Ljiljana Reljic & Snezana Cvetkovic

Published 10 years ago

Looking at the children’s play with handmade didactic materials which stimulate children’s development and progress as well as evaluating the quality of children’s games with boards. Ljijljana Reljic and Snezana Cvetkovic encouraged by the positive results in practice were motivated to create a didactic tool for use in pre-schools to support children development and advancement.

The eco board represent a didactic tool that in a fun and easy way help children to acquire knowledge, skills, to become acquainted with ecological terminology.Motives on the boards are made of different materials and textures which stimulate sensory development. This design attracts and motivates children with its structure and motifs including error control, facilitating the acquisition of knowledge and experience in an easy and fun .

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Smart board eco toys for preschool

Smart board eco toys for preschool

The product is handmade by recycled different kinds of packaging. The base of the board is made of cardboard coated with a protective transparent foil. The motifs of the boards are made of: leather, wood, different kind of fabric, iron, plastic caps from food packaging, zippers, pebbles, wool, sandpaper, plastic buttons, laces.

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eco, green, preschool, toys