Illustrator Completes His Cut-Out Dress Sketches With Urban Scenes

Published 10 years ago

You can dress for a night in the city, but not with the city itself. That’s the sole privilege of Shamekh Bluwi’s cut-out illustrations. This designer cuts out the dresses of his drawings of women, then holds the resulting image over a cityscape. You’d be surprised how streets and buildings make for amazing dress patterns.

Shamekh Bluwi is a fashion illustration from Amman, Jordan. He’s gotten some praise from the fashion word for his works. “I studied Architecture in college and it helped me get exposed to both arts and many technical aspects such as aesthetics of the Human body measurements,” he said in an online interview. “It also made me realize how much I love contradictions and that’s something I regularly apply within my artwork.”

Bluwi says that he likes the digital medium more than the traditional since it lets him control the smallest details of his illustrations.

More info: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter (h/t: boredpanda)

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Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

Got wisdom to pour?



architecture, cutout art, dress design, dresses, fashion, fashion cutout, fashion design, fashion illustration, fashion inspiration, paper art, paper cutout, paper cutout art, Shamekh Bluwi, skirts