This Guy Spent 6.5 Years Crocheting A Super Mario Map Blanket
What is your longest video game-related project? Is it longer than Kjetil Nordin’s Super Mario Bros. 3 blanket that took 6 years to make? About 800 hours of work went into this 2.2 meters long, 1.8 meters wide (7 feet and 2 inches by 5 feet and 10 inches) nerdy crocheting project. He wasn’t satisfy with just getting the shape right; a lot of effort went into getting the colors just right! In this area, water presented a great obstacle. “[The yarn] was almost purple, and very ugly, so I had to undo all of it,” Nordin told NRK. “That took an extra week.”
Kjetil Nordin is a Norwegian currently living in Denmark. During the time it took him to make the blanket, he won the Norwegian Sky Diving team championship twice, earned two university degrees, started a career, and made a number of small crochet figures for his family. As for future crotchet projects, he’s probably going to take a break now before tackling anything bigger.
More info: AlexKingsHill (h/t: boredpanda)
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