15 Times Forensic Scientists Were Astonished By An Unlikely Discovery
At one time in our lives, the CSI TV show made almost all of us want to become forensic scientists. Not everyone achieved that goal, but some people did become forensic scientists. Recently these professionals opened up in response to a Reddit question posted online about interesting experiences they’ve had on the job. When someone asked, “What was the most shocking thing discovered in your lab?”, the most stunning information was revealed in response. Scroll below to read all the unlikely discoveries that lab workers found to be shockingly memorable.
#1 That he WAS the father.

Image source: anon, Drew Hays / unsplash (not the actual photo)
I’m a bookkeeper/billing guy at a clinic and we tested a baby to see if he was the father.
Mom and dad were both blonde hair, wife had blue eyes, both looked super white.
Kid was REALLY black. Was tested earlier and he didn’t have a condition, he was just black.
The dad wanted a paternity test cause when you have two white parents and a black kid, raises some questions.
Turns out the mom had a black grandfather that didn’t show up in their skin and that she didn’t know about.
Kid was biologically theirs, but just looked totally different.
#2 My friend’s wife works in one. Getting blood samples from babies that tested positive for [illegal substances] was apparently fairly common, but the most recent shocking discovery was that the building’s plumbing was done in such a way that chemical disposal could back flow into the water fountain drain, and management didn’t really care.
Image source: gritwoodser, National Cancer Institute / unsplash (not the actual photo)
#3 I only just started here so what’s shocking to me is probably super minor but i had a decedent that died and was found with multiple bottles of isopropyl alcohol around her with straws in them. She literally was sipping isopropyl alcohol through straws. It obviously [ended] her, but i cannot get past the thought of that. How serious of an addiction do you have that doing something like that makes sense? Just the thought of doing that makes my stomach turn.
Image source: anon, Donny Fuego / pexels (not the actual photo)
#4 So, not forensics (entirely), and not me. I had a professor in college that was pursuing her doctorate while working at the Mayo Clinic.
Image source: anon, Polina Tankilevitch / pexels (not the actual photo)
Year after year, a man came in to be tested for a disorder/disease that [ended] his father at that very hospital. Year after year, he tested negative. But every year, he got tested in an effort to stay ahead of it. Because, genetics.
One year, he tested negative as usual, but the staff had an idea. They cracked open the archives, dug his father’s file out & put it next to his. DNA wasn’t even close.
Poor guy has no idea his late father was never his biological father at all. And the hospital has no right or obligation to inform him.
#5 I was working in the lab late one night, well one thing led to another and we DID THE MASH WE DID THE MONSTER MASH.
Image source: InjuredAtWork, Louis Reed / unsplash (nott the actual photo)
#6 Horseshoe kidney. There were several autopsies going at once and when it was discovered every doctor dropped what they were doing and cake over to look. So I’d suspect the odds are higher than 1:500.
Image source: anon, Nevit Dilmen / wikipedia (not the actual photo)
#7 In doing my MSc in forensic pathology and anthropology, there is a final practical exam component. The examiner hauled in a large cardboard box. The type/size you would store documents in.
Image source: anon, Blue Bird / pexels (not the actual photo)
When dumped on the table, it looked like a broken plant pot. No piece was bigger than 1.5 inches diameter. He then goes “could you find all the pieces of *example of bone* and reconstruct it please?
Turns out it was a ~16 year old girl whose boyfriend had caved her head in with a stone and cut her into tiny bits before burying her in a field.
Only reason she was found was because her decomposing flesh caused the plants right hear her body to be oddly large and lush for a dry forgotten field.
#8 Years ago when I was working as a DNA analyst, our lab received a limp caesar salad from a local restaurant, take out box and all. Apparently, the guy who ordered the salad said that it was served with blood in it. The restaurant owner said not possible and that the customer must have bled in it so that he wouldn’t have to pay. The customer then decided to promptly bring his salad to our lab along with his DNA sample to prove that it wasn’t his. Turns out that it was and he unknowingly bled into his salad somehow.
Image source: cjmd3, Raphael Nogueira / unsplash (not the actual photo)
Oh, there was also that one time a dad sent in a bunch of his daughter’s soiled feminine hygiene products in to the lab to test for semen.
Most shocking thing though was the time a bunch of DNA samples came. To make a long story short: one large vehicle, lots of [illegal substances], two strung out horny couples, one condom being passed back and forth (yes…flipped inside out), and two pregnant couples uncertain about the paternity of each baby.
#9 Candle in an old mans bladder.
Image source: sagegreenpaint78, Stilfehler / wikipedia (not the actual photo)
#10 I attended an autopsy where the subject being examined had one large kidney that extended to both sides of his body instead of having 2, one on each side of his body.
Image source: anon, Jonathan Borba / unsplash (not the actual photo)
#11 I was working as a scanning electron microscope technician for the R&D branch of a private company when the head scientist gave me a unknown sample to cut up and investigate. There were a bunch of layers of paint on it and he wanted to know what elements were present. Most of the layers showed up as normal elements (O, Al, Cr, etc) but one layer had a peak at Pr (Praseodymium) which is so rare that I forgot that it was even an element. I thought I was going crazy but my engineer double-checked it and it was definitely there. Turns out that Praseodymium is used in certain military grade paints.
Image source: jablair51, Public Domain Pictures / pexels (not the actual photo)
#12 This is my grandfathers story. While he was working in Forensics he had to take a body found at a bottom of a lake. After checking it out he apparently found that there was a hot wheels car lodged in the left lung. He assumed that they must have swallowed it while they were underwater.
Image source: Pizza-pasta-deadpool, I Nyoman Adi Wiraputra / unsplash (not the actual photo)
#13 Not super shocking compared to others but the first time you see a computer covered in blood full of bullet holes it is moment you do not forget.
Image source: TollinginPolitics, ThisisEngineering / unsplash (not the actual photo)
#14 Not a scientist, but my last job involved scientific testing equipment and sending results to the legal team of the company. Using an XRF gun I found that almost 50 percent of this large companies inventory contains above the legally allowed amount of lead, and various other harmful chemicals. (At a company whose product most people will touch on a daily basis). The legal team sure had their work cut out for them.
Image source: nryporter25, Testalize.me / unsplash (not the actual photo)
#15 Not a forensics worker, but you may be interested to learn that bear semen is one of the most common things found in bodies of people who lay dead in forest areas.
Image source: Nehal_Sanctus, ?? Janko Ferlič / unsplash (not the actual photo)
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