40 Random Memes Brimming With Wholesomeness

Published 11 months ago

There are days when the weight of the world feels a bit too heavy – stress, fatigue, or just plain boredom can turn a promising day into a bit of a downer. Thankfully, as a species, we’ve come up with a simple yet powerful way to lift our spirits and maybe even elicit a chuckle: the meme.

Enter the “ship” Instagram page, a dedicated space for a collection of random and amusing memes. It’s designed to inject a bit of humor into your day and brighten those moments when you could use a lift.

More info: Instagram

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Jeff White: This does have meaning. Thank you.


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AnnaRachelle: This one made me smile


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Feathered Dinosaur: Silly peasant…


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sbj: Natural model and such a gorgeous ‘smile’


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Pernille.: I pick up accents quite fast, my English accent is from watching Morse about a hundred times, my french accent is that of a Marseillan dock workers as I spent a year working in a shipyard at Marseille at 18. I did get a slight Irish accent at one point when I was dating an Irish man, but a few episodes of Morse made it go away again.


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CK: People need to write more joyful books for adults.


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Mark: Wow, that’s so amazing for your mom, I would’ve loved to experience it


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LillieMean: Absolutely. And it doesn’t even have to be a New Year’s resolution. I have set myself challenges that every month I have to watch one documentary. Or how many different genres of movies I can watch in a year. Different music styles, food culture of different countries, etc. A month when I dedicate myself to the history of art, architecture… The possibilities are endless and at the same time you learn something new.


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C L: It’s sad when we see someone we know is going to lose


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Warpath81: Tell the joke about the 3 helium atoms. He He He


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Lyone Fein: Whoa. I have never heard of or seen this painting before. And I love it.


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Lyone Fein: Everything Everywhere AllAt Once?


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Undercover: “Croissant” 🤣🤣


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JoyfulZebra (edited): Oh, to be a tortoise eating appy slices


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Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa): I react that way too! Am I… Am I a cat?


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Jeff White : Nahrungsmittelwaffen!

Mark: eargesplitten loudenboomer (it boomen loude and splitten earge)

james stevenson: Zeig keine Gnade (Show no mercy) (p.s. I learned that wonderful and ever so useful phrase from the movie Red Tails)

Jen Mart: I love Deutsch!

Birgit Sommer: Fresskanone!


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Charlie the Cat: Proper gander. Took me a sec.


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Heather Evans: I love this .. pets are the best


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Jeff White: Sounds correct to me.


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James016: Splitting the catom.


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les: I want to answer this one but i cant find the right words for it to make sense. I know what i want to say but no matter how i write it, it reads wrong. basicly its was something like 1+1 anxiety is like a video game power up


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Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!: The kid was listening.


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G o l d f i s h: This reminds me of the time my neighbours named their kittens frog and pepsi…. instead of frog and toad, or even pepsi and coke 😩


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Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!: I love that they both have exactly the same expression on their faces.


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Jeff White: There is some magic here. Congratulations to all.


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Coral: I mean it’s true though


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Jeff White: Well, that took a turn to reality that I was not expecting.


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Cora C: I yelled mom in a supermarket and 10+ women responded.


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Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



amusing, funny, memes, random memes, relatable memes