40 Random Memes Brimming With Wholesomeness
There are days when the weight of the world feels a bit too heavy – stress, fatigue, or just plain boredom can turn a promising day into a bit of a downer. Thankfully, as a species, we’ve come up with a simple yet powerful way to lift our spirits and maybe even elicit a chuckle: the meme.
Enter the “ship” Instagram page, a dedicated space for a collection of random and amusing memes. It’s designed to inject a bit of humor into your day and brighten those moments when you could use a lift.
More info: Instagram
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Jeff White: This does have meaning. Thank you.
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AnnaRachelle: This one made me smile
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Feathered Dinosaur: Silly peasant…
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sbj: Natural model and such a gorgeous ‘smile’
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Pernille.: I pick up accents quite fast, my English accent is from watching Morse about a hundred times, my french accent is that of a Marseillan dock workers as I spent a year working in a shipyard at Marseille at 18. I did get a slight Irish accent at one point when I was dating an Irish man, but a few episodes of Morse made it go away again.
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CK: People need to write more joyful books for adults.
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Mark: Wow, that’s so amazing for your mom, I would’ve loved to experience it
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LillieMean: Absolutely. And it doesn’t even have to be a New Year’s resolution. I have set myself challenges that every month I have to watch one documentary. Or how many different genres of movies I can watch in a year. Different music styles, food culture of different countries, etc. A month when I dedicate myself to the history of art, architecture… The possibilities are endless and at the same time you learn something new.
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C L: It’s sad when we see someone we know is going to lose
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Warpath81: Tell the joke about the 3 helium atoms. He He He
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Lyone Fein: Whoa. I have never heard of or seen this painting before. And I love it.
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Lyone Fein: Everything Everywhere AllAt Once?
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Undercover: “Croissant” 🤣🤣
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JoyfulZebra (edited): Oh, to be a tortoise eating appy slices
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Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa): I react that way too! Am I… Am I a cat?
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Jeff White : Nahrungsmittelwaffen!
Mark: eargesplitten loudenboomer (it boomen loude and splitten earge)
james stevenson: Zeig keine Gnade (Show no mercy) (p.s. I learned that wonderful and ever so useful phrase from the movie Red Tails)
Jen Mart: I love Deutsch!
Birgit Sommer: Fresskanone!
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Charlie the Cat: Proper gander. Took me a sec.
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Heather Evans: I love this .. pets are the best
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Jeff White: Sounds correct to me.
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James016: Splitting the catom.
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les: I want to answer this one but i cant find the right words for it to make sense. I know what i want to say but no matter how i write it, it reads wrong. basicly its was something like 1+1 anxiety is like a video game power up
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Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!: The kid was listening.
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G o l d f i s h: This reminds me of the time my neighbours named their kittens frog and pepsi…. instead of frog and toad, or even pepsi and coke 😩
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Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!: I love that they both have exactly the same expression on their faces.
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Jeff White: There is some magic here. Congratulations to all.
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Coral: I mean it’s true though
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Jeff White: Well, that took a turn to reality that I was not expecting.
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Cora C: I yelled mom in a supermarket and 10+ women responded.
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