Guy Leaves His Nissan Skyline GTR For His Artist Wife To Experiment With Her Sharpie Pen
One guy teamed up with his artist wife to transform their Nissan Skyline GTR sports car into a one-of-a-kind work of art.
The owner, who is a car enthusiast and a member of the U.S. Military, hated the silver color of the car so, together with his highly artistic wife, he decided to tune it up a bit. While he worked on the car’s insides, she started doodling on a few scratches on the bumper. 100 hours of work later, this became a wonderfully intricate piece of art covering the whole car.
What was at first a casual car became something that might be worth an auction. Take a look!
h/t: granthem7
Got wisdom to pour?
I can’t even draw a decent-looking circle :/
Here’s another one of Heidi’s amazing car pieces she did. She’s a great artist that has lots of exhibitions across various disciplines.
actually looks pretty good.
gorgeous work, I just hope they found a way of preventing the ink from fading in sunlight.
I find all these “sexist” comments to be amusing. Its ‘his’ wife, just as he is ‘her’ husband. The title is specifying that it was his wife, not his friend or his friend’s wife. Would be the same thing if it was a gay couple, it would say guy let his husband/partner doodle on the car. It is in no way implying ownership of the person, delegating the status of the person, or placing importance on one more than the other. Yes, the car is labeled his car, seeing as he owns it, its an object … just as the sharpie pen is labeled as ‘her sharpie’. Should we title it “Guy leaves his prized possession, a Nissan Skyline GTR, to the woman he has the privilege of calling his wife and her AMAZING UNEQUALED NEVER-BEFORE SEEN DOODLING SKILLS WITH A SHARPIE PEN”????????
She’s not doodling, she’s Zentangling. And may I offer up my 2001 silver Buick Regal to be her next project? I would TOTALLY love to drive a car like that.
I wonder how they’ll wash the car?
They put a clear coat over it……..it won’t wash off :-)
Don’t use the windshield washer, or go near it with rubbing alcohol… :P
several coats of clear will block anything your going to throw at it. Considering most vehicles now-a-days only get 2 coats of clear verse 7
Just because you can doodle, doesn’t make you an “artist”.
No, but the article does not say where she works. Maybe she IS an artist who ALSO doodles.
This is great, but your tone is sexist. She’s not his “artist wife.” She’s an artist–and SHE should be the subject of your headline and article, not him.
the subject is neither he nor her.. the subject is the car, and the artwork on it
Did you miss the part where they mentioned it was his car and that he was tuning up the interior too, working with his highly artistic wife who is given praise in the article? Or was your head firmly entrenched in your ass so that you also couldn’t see that the article’s pictures detail her work and none of his much less give no mention of what improvements he made to the car. How is that sexist?
In other words, Tristan, you’re a socially inept jackass.
Explain?. I think you’ll find Tristan was sticking up for the lady in the article.
Sticking up for the lady?1?!?! She was never attacked at ALL! You do realize this article is more. HOLY *UCK this man let someone doodle on his 70K car. Not so much look at how talented this women is. Who cares how talented she is or the work she did. Man or women artist thats beside the point. Its the fact the owner let anyone touch the car!
skylines are not 70 grand sorry to burst your bubble.
They can be. Not stock of course.
But throw money at it and it can add up pretty fast.
Or your just a meat head. Its HIS car HE let HER doodle on it. If it was HER car and SHE let HIM doodle on it would you say a thing…no you wouldnt. Enough of this all mighty bow to the women. Get over it your an equal your no better than us. Grow up!
Actually mean are supposed to be better at some things and women at others. It messes things up when people try to make everything equal. Read the bible and be happy to be a woman. This article was not sexist at all dumbass.
Congratulations on being on monosyllabic mongoloid who has to hide behind an unoriginal moniker.
LMFAO ppl like you make me cringe at how we as humans even made it this far. Go chew on some bark you clown.
If she’s an artist, and his wife, then where’s the foul? I’m a female artist and I saw no foul until I read your blasting critique job. Really. Some people and their hang-ups cause a really warped viewpoint.
See? Monica gets it. It’s not a sexist thing; the author was emphasizing the relationship. It could have been “found an artist” or “an artist friend” but, in this case, it’s “artist wife” who did the work.