Ecocapsule Lets You Live Off The Grid Almost Anywhere On Earth
You want a camper that looks like it came from the future? Then look no further than the Ecocapsule by Nice Architects. This Slovakian design firm has designed it to be a tiny house that can live off the grid.
The pod is silvery and looks like the future itself. The inside provide a somewhat compact living environment for two people who don’t have that much stuff. There’s also a kitchenette and toilet with running water. It has an extendable 750W wind turbine and 600w of solar panels on the roof. The power is collected in a 9744Wh battery, which can also be used to charge your electric car. The pod collects, cleans, and stores rainwater, so you have that covered, too.
Nice Architects is a “young architectural studio” based in Bratislava, Slovakia. They have people who have worked with offices such as BIG, Dominique Perrault, VenhoevenCS or 3XN. While the capsule will only enter the market in first quarter of 2016, those who can’t wait can see it at Pioneers festival in Vienna (28-29th May 2015), and it will later be shown in the Slovak national pavilion at Expo 2015.
More info: ecocapsule.sk | Facebook | Twitter (h/t: gizmodo)
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