Thought-Provoking Selfies By Finnish Photographer Iiu Susiraja
It‘s no secret that our Internet-infused world is getting more and more loaded with selfies and selfie-related trends, pressuring us to present our faces and bodies perfectly in the perfect background. Finnish self-portrait photographer Iiu Susiraja, however, shows us a radically different take on selfies that overturns our conventional concept of beauty, instead revealing her very personal, frank, and wickedly humorous relationship with her own body and her environment.
“I photograph myself because it is the subject I certainly know the best,” explains the photographer in her artist’s statement. “I make object of myself and my privacy, which is a moment of fame. To turn the privacy public is a shelter for me. I feel privacy very painful. […] My art is like a playful anarchism with equipment and the rituals of taking back the power. Everyday life is my muse.“
More info: iiususiraja.com (h/t: lostateminor, ignant)
Got wisdom to pour?
why does she even have a treadmill? doesn’t seem to be used much
Heh, in any other context I might say this is someone who needs psychiatric help.
You are very brave.
For the record, these are not selfies. They are called ‘photos’. Interesting photos, yes, but not selfies.
:b she’s adorable
We get it. She’s fat.
Thought provoking? Hmm. Only thing I am thinking is the poor lady needs to find herself a a good bra lol :-)