Even Flipped Upside Down, These Jeep Ads Are Equally Cool
Jeep’s latest ad campaign might be indirect, but it is unquestionably creative. The three ads, featuring animal picture graphics, can be flipped over to reveal another animal hiding in the image of the first one. The message of the campaign, designed by the Lee Burnett advertisement agency in France, then claims: “See whatever you want to see.”
“When you are the proud owner of a Jeep, we know that any time you can go wherever you want, see what you want to see,” explains the agency. “These three stunning visuals show a giraffe head, an elephant’s head, and a deer head. The hook then invites the reader to return to the announcement to discover an animal at the other end of the world. A nice invitation to travel.“
More info: Website (h/t: visualnews)
Got wisdom to pour?
i drew a picture of a dinosaur and upside down it is a cock and balls