20 Eye-Opening Teacher Posts Showing How Underprepared Some Schools Are For In-Person Learning
When the U.S. government announced that schools will have to reopen amidst the pandemic, many teachers couldn’t believe what they were hearing. One minute they were being asked to wear masks, social distance and keep human contact to a minimum, and suddenly they’re told to return to packed classrooms where social distancing is virtually impossible. Naturally, this prompted teachers to take their own measures to ensure their own and the kids’ safety.
Teachers on Twitter are sharing photos of how their schools are prepared to handle the returning students and you’ll quickly realize that not all of them are equally prepared to handle in-person learning. From overcrowded classrooms to scarce or non-existent personal protective equipment, see the sad reality of what teachers have to deal with in the gallery below!
Image source: Maybe I’ll Shower Today
No playing. Masks all day. Six feet apart at all times.
School seems like a frightening place, when you read about all the safety measures kids will have to adhere to this year.
Thankfully, there are educators, like Jennifer Birch Pierson, a Kindergarten teacher from Texas, who are making lemonade from some very sour lemons and making their classrooms as welcoming and comforting as possible for our littlest learners.
Check out how she set up her classroom desks to look like a bunch of trucks on the road. She even makes the required desk shields look like windshields.
Those students who enter her classroom may have a tough time, but clearly they are in the hands of a caring teacher, and that’s something all parents can be grateful for.
Thank you to the teachers, who, like Ms. Pierson, are doing all they can and more to make our kids feel safe and happy.
Image source: Go_Jonnie_Go
Image source: Scott Nelson
Image source: JessicaLeaShea
Image source: gclaytontarvin
Image source: kniggej
Image source: CaitlinMcWriter
Image source: MsNelson305
Image source: AaronAvera
Image source: RobertMacneil9
Image source: anna_doak
Image source: MrsSmithOttawa
Image source: KSerink
Image source: LZwags
Image source: OTD_Colonel
Image source: colettearrand
Image source: kelkenney0427
Image source: CathiBrennan67
Image source: mel__aroni
Image source: mrsadennis
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