40 Pictures Proving Australia Is The Land Of ‘Nope’
If you imagine Japan as a country where everything is peaceful and serene, Australia has to be the polar opposite of that. Alligator eating pythons? Check. Toddler sized pinecones? Check. Giant dinosaur-like crocodiles? Check. Looking at pictures of Australia’s nature, you might think everything out there is trying to get you! Don’t worry though – it’s not as bad as it may sound. After all, where else in the world would you see adorable koalas or platypuses?
From spiders as big as your hand to human-sized bats, check out all the creepy things that Australian nature has to offer in the gallery below!
#1 Roofhanger. Suspended Grey Headed Flying Fox, A Megabat Native To Australia
Image source: Katica123
#2 Meanwhile In Australia
Image source: TheWoundedKing
An olive python (Liasis olivaceus), western Australia’s largest python, having a feed on an Australian freshwater crocodile (Crocodylus johnstoni).
#3 Lizards In Australia
Image source: markeso
#4 Believe It Or Not, This Is One Of The Least Dangerous Spiders We Have In Australia
Image source: PineappleDildo
This is the huntsman spider, a common friend to be found in houses and garden across Australia. He’s harmless really, don’t let his large size intimidate you. Huntsmen won’t bite humans unless provoked, are not venomous and are actually handy to have around the place, he’ll use his speed and agility to keep your cockroach population under control.
Think of the huntsman as a handy pet. Respect his space, let him do his job and he’ll look after you well.
#5 Do You Even Lift Bro?
Image source: Gumbyskangaroosanctuary
#6 Araucaria Pine Cone, It’s Been Reported To Kill People When Falling
Image source: Rodmunch99
#7 Spider Frost. Rural Victoria, Australia
Image source: mad66
#8 Dead Whale Filled With Gas, On The Brink Of Exploding In Bunbury Yesterday
Image source: Mark Watkins
#9 Ladies And Gentlemen, The Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus)
Image source: robdedog89
I’m from Darwin, Australia and our rivers here are full of these monstrosities. This guy here is nicknamed Nifty, and he is about 6m long.
#10 This Is How Australians Ensure Their Electricity Meter Doesn’t Get Read
Image source: dedokta
#11 Honey, There Is A Kid On Our Bug…
Image source: fancyfire
#12 Meanwhile, In Australia
Image source: Haga
#13 Toads Riding On A Python
Image source: MrMeMock
68mm just fell in the last hour at Kununurra. Flushed all the cane toads out of my brothers dam. Some of them took the easy way out – hitching a ride on the back of a 3.5m python.
#14 This Giant, Hot Pink Slug Is Only Found In A Single, Isolated Forest On An Extinct Volcano In Australia
Image source: Don_Bonnigan
#15 You Know You’re In Australia When Frogs Eat Snakes
Image source: DrunkAzSkunk
#16 Meanwhile In Australia
#17 Filling Up Your Fuel Tank In Australia? Yep That’ll Try And Kill You Too
Image source: Lugozi
#18 March Of The Hairy Caterpillars
Image source: RedViper27
#19 Walked Up On The Back Of This Sign While Hiking In Australia…
Image source: imgur.com
#20 A Massive Earthworm Found In Queensland, Australia
Image source: gDisasters
#21 Why You Gotta Always “Check Your Shoes” In Australia
Image source: Gar1986
#22 Aussie Mom Finds World’s Second Most Poisonous Snake Hiding In Her Kid’s Lunch Box
Image source: Snake Catchers Adelaide
#23 Mother And Girlfriend Found This On The Beach Today
Image source: Horrorwolfe
This was found in Broome, Western Australia and looks like an anemone. More specifically, Dofleinia armata, the armed anemone. Also called the striped anemone. It is considered extremely dangerous as it can inflict painful stings that take months to heal.
#24 In Australia Everything Is Trying To Kill You. Even Your Ceiling Lamp
Image source: CeterumCenseo85
#25 Typical Road-Side Ditch In Australia
Image source: HocusPenis
#26 This Is Why You Always Have To Check The Toilet In Australia
Image source: Meanwhile In Australia
#27 Welcome To Australia Where Insects Are The Size Of A Small Mammal
Image source: imgur.com
#28 Blue-Ringed Octopus (Highly Venomous) On Hand
Image source: estacado
#29 Welcome To Australia
Image source: SunglassesFace
#30 Australia. Where Even The Hail Can Kill You
Image source: CCPearson
#31 So My Friend Found This On Her Back Door. Only In Australia Right?
Image source: OrionoftheGlade
#32 Damn Nature You Scary
Image source: smally1986
Picture of a termite mound in the northern territory of Australia, termites build the tallest structures out of any of the creatures on Earth. Humans would have to build something 10km (6.2 miles for those not on the metric system) tall to equal the scale of size of person to building. Termite mounds are also stronger than cement.
#33 I’m Not Going Into The Kitchen Today! Ask Him To Make You Something
Image source: chicknorris63
#34 Welcome To Australia, Where Frogs Eat Snakes
Image source: WhyteCrayon
#35 A Friend Of Mine Left For A Holiday In Australia Some Weeks Ago. I Asked Him How Things Were. He Send Me This Picture With The Reply “The Things I’ve Seen..”
Image source: Wolf_SF
#36 The Net Casting Spider (Ogre Faced Spider) Hang Upside Down With A Net Made Of Their Silk Waiting For Their Prey To Walk Underneath Them
Image source: bensamuel86
#37 The Flies Are Much Worse Than The Spiders In Australia
Image source: kearvelli
#38 A Pic A Mate Took Last Night. Awesome Spidley. South East Queensland, Australia
Image source: RobStanley
#39 Every Winter Black Portuguese Millipedes Invade The South Of Western Australia
Image source: 384756
#40 Felt A Tickle On My Leg, Australia
Image source: jaquinPeonix
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