30 Times Nature Scared The Life Out Of Us
You have to agree that almost everything about nature is awesome – from the animals to the trees. But then there’s the ‘almost’ part – sometimes the same nature that gave us foxes and squirrels gives us giant bats and palm-sized spiders that might make you soil your pants.
Bored Panda has compiled a list of some of the scariest things nature created and you should think twice before continuing if you’re easily scared. Consider yourself warned and check out the pictures of spooky nature in the gallery below!
h/t: Bored Panda
#1 What Do You Do When You See A Flying Fox In Your Backyard? (The Philippines)
Image source: sakundes
No that’s not Bruce Wayne, err, we mean, Batman taking a nap – it’s actually the fox bat, sometimes called the flying fox. It’s one of the largest bats in the world, with its wingspan reaching up to 5 ft (1.5 m). Fox bats are typically found on tropical islands and mainland Asia. And don’t worry about this giant bat eating you – they are frugivores, meaning they only eat fruit.
#2 Haven’t Cleaned Behind The Dresser In Months
Image source: philprice78
Fun fact about lizards: not all of them lay eggs, some of them, like Solomon island lizards, actually give birth to live younglings!
#3 Crazy Bird Tornado
Image source: wadeybb
While this looks like something straight out of a horror movie, it’s actually a thick flock of migrating birds called a murmuration. Flying in such a formation helps birds protect themselves from predators easier and use less energy while traveling.
#4 Birds Using A Dead Pike’s Mouth To Nest
Image source: agitated_ajax
Pike are known for their abilities to stay completely still for long periods of time when hunting – boy are those birds in for a surprise when this one finally decides to close its mouth!
#5 Toads Riding On A Python
Image source: MrMeMock
Just some toads taking the python express after a flood in Kununurra. Cowabunga, dudes!
#6 Believe It Or Not, This Is One Of The Least Dangerous Spiders We Have In Australia
Image source: PineappleDildo
The huntsman spider is a pretty common sight in Australian homes and gardens. They are pretty useful to have around as they love to eat cockroaches and other small bugs. But while we respect what this spider is doing, we’ll try to steer clear of its path, just in case.
#7 I Want To Ride My Bicycle
Just remember to bee careful and put on a helmet – falling off without one can really sting!
#8 Sawfish
Image source: crazyfeekus
If the name doesn’t already suggest it, the sawfish is easily recognized by its long, chainsaw-like snout, called a rostrum. These fishes use their rostrum to defend themselves during feeding time by slashing it in a side-to-side motion.
#9 My Town In Central Texas Has A Bird Problem
Image source: ImPrettyNewHere
Every autumn, thousands upon thousands of birds migrate to where it’s warmer. Keep that in mind next time you’re eating popcorn outside during that time!
#10 There Was A Friggin Gecko Hiding In My Son’s Toy Spider
Image source: quatraine
Geckos are so common all over the world, you can find them in all continents except for Antarctica. Looks like you can even find them inside children’s’ toys!
#11 The Fox And The Hound
Image source: Pidiotpong
Sadly, at some point, the fox must have fallen into the water and drowned. But this good boy came to honor it with a moment of silence.
#12 Lizard Shed His Entire Face In One Go
Oh no, looks like the lizard rushed off to the Halloween party and forgot its mask!
#13 Mother And Girlfriend Found This On The Beach Today. Any Idea What It Is?
Image source: Horrorwolfe
While this thing might look like some very expensive dessert you would order at an upscale restaurant, it’s actually Dofleinia armata – a very dangerous anemone whose stings are not something you’d want to experience.
#14 Death Shrouds From Hell – Spiders Cocooned These Trees To Save Themselves From A Flood
Image source: Russell Watkins
Back in 2010, a flood hit Pakistan and caused all of the little insects to look for higher ground – and they did. Russell Watkins, a multimedia editor with the U.K.’s Department for International Development (DFID), captured this rare sight of spiders nested atop trees in the village of Sindh – even the locals have never seen such a thing before.
#15 Snaggle-Toothed Snake Eel Found On The Beach In Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Image source: Mtaylor0812_
This ‘cute’ creature is the Aplatophis zorro – the snaggle-toothed snake eel, typically found the eastern central Pacific Ocean. These eels can reach over 3ft4in (104 cm) in length and live about 5 to 10 m (16.4 to 32.8 ft) underwater.
#16 Frog With Eyes In Its Mouth As A Result Of Macromutation
Image source: Reptile Hunter
This rare mutation is the result of a parasitic infection by Ribeiroia ondatrae (trematode worm), that caused a change in a regulatory gene that’s responsible for the expression many structural genes. This infection can cause other mutations as well, such as missing and malformed limbs.
#17 This Spider Web That Looks Like A Spider-Man Mask
Image source: meistertigran
Many factors affect the strength of a web, with light and temperature being just a few of them – and they can lead to some rather unusual web formations, such as this ‘mask’.
#18 Lactarius Rubidius Growing Out Of Fox Skull
Image source: Ghost25
The Lactarius rubidius, known commonly as ‘candy cap’ is a mushroom found in western North America. They are not your typical edible mushrooms – these ones are considered to be ‘aromatic mushrooms’ and are mainly used for flavoring.
#19 In Case You Ever Wanted To Know What A Hedgehog Skeleton Looked Like
Image source: ZombieBorscht
Just look at this cute coat the hedgehogs wear. Be careful though – it’s pointy!
#20 This Fascinating Creature, A Deep-Sea Squid, Was Video Taped By Shell Out In The Perdido Area Of Alaminos Canyon, At 7800 Ft. Depth
Image source: Peter Etnoyer
This alien-like monstrosity was captured on video in the Gulf of Mexico back in 2007. It’s actually the bigfin squid, although not much is know about these species. This particular one was measured to be around 8 m (26 ft) long.
#21 Found A Beehive While Renovating An Old House
Image source: blokeman
While renovating a house, someone found a whole beehive inside one of the walls. Is that really a problem? One one hand, bee stings and mold are pretty bad, but on the other hand – free honey! So you be the judge here.
#22 Someone Bugged His Phone
Image source: MosDef52
This nightmare inducing thing usually happens during fumigation – the insects try to escape the poisonous chemicals and try to crawl inside the smallest crevices they can find. They usually die there, if that makes it better.
#23 Something Is Growing Inside A Bottle Of Natural Orange Juice I Abandoned Inside A Cabinet For Over A Year
Image source: adun-d
After someone posted this old juice bottle they found in a cabinet, people guessed that it might be a cylindrical yeast colony. If you’re interested, the guy actually opened it!
#24 You Can See The Back Of An Owl’s Eye Through Its Ear
Photographer Jim McCormac says that since owls lack external ear structures most mammals have, their ears are just simple openings in their skulls, covered by feathers.”But these owls’ unusually large earholes and eyes also offer a “behind the scenes” peek at their visual system, showcasing the evolutionary adaptations in sight and hearing that make the birds so successful at stealthy nighttime hunting,” says the photographer.
#25 Hydnora africana
This disturbing plant not only looks creepy but also reeks of feces. The smell helps the Hydnora africana attract dung beetles – its natural pollinators.
#26 Just Going To Run
Image source: TurboTitan92
Honestly, that’s just one more reason to never run again in your life, ever.
#27 Snake Was Electrocuted Then Bitten By Another Snake, Which Was Also Electrocuted
Image source: Hilltopchill
Just when you think your day can’t get any worse. Shocking!
#28 Grow Bigger Or Die
These grasshoppers look like something out of a post-apocalyptic movie! Or maybe it’s just a really tiny snake? We can only guess.
#29 The Assassin Bug – The Ferocious Bug That Sucks Prey Dry And Wears Their Corpses
Image source: orionmystery
This badass bug looks pretty ‘metal’, carrying the corpses of his victims on his back. He says he does it to camouflage himself from jumping spiders, but everyone knows he only does it to look cool.
#30 Weird Mold Growing Out Of Cat Food Can I Left In An Empty Room For 10 Days
Image source: sideshowbvo
This type of fungus is called Phycomyces and is relatively harmless. Maybe keep it for another week or two and you’ll get a cool free wig out of it?
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