20 ‘Same’ Words With Different Meanings That Many People Get Mixed Up Illustrated By Artist Bruce Worden
If English isn’t your first language, you know how frustrating it can be to master it. There are hundreds of words that have vastly different meanings despite sounding or being written the same way, and there aren’t really any rules that can help you – you just have to learn them through trial and error. And to illustrate just how unnecessarily complicated the English language sometimes is, illustrator Bruce Worden started a fun project he called Homophones.
In his project, Bruce illustrates words that sound the same but have different meanings, and his illustrations are hilariously accurate. Check out some of the best ones in the gallery below, and if you want more, see our previous post here!
More info: Facebook | HomophonesWeakly.Blogspot.com | Amazon | h/t
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
Image source: Bruce Worden
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