Unseen Salvador Dali’s Paintings Of Alice In Wonderland
Created by Lewis Carroll back in the mid 19th century, Alice in Wonderland has remained a staple mark of vivid imagination and creativity for more than 150 years now. So it comes as no surprise that many other artists have incorporated Carroll’s ideas into their work. What might surprise you though, is that one of those artists was the famous Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dalí.
Thanks to the visionary editor at Random House, in 1969 Dalí was commissioned to illustrate a very limited edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland under the publisher’s book of the month series. The result was a classic story illustrated like never before with these 12 heliogravures.
For over half of a century this version of the book was available only to a few collectors, but now, to mark the 150th anniversary of the story, Princeton University Press is re-releasing it and even adding new introductions by Mark Burstein, president of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America.
More info: amazon (h/t: brain pickings, lost at e minor)
Advice From A Caterpillar
Mad Tea Party
The Caucus Race and a Long Tale
The Queen’s Croquet Ground
Down the Rabbit Hole
The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill
The Pool of Tears
The Mock Turtle’s Story
Pig and Pepper
Frontispiece for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Alice’s Evidence
The Lobster’s Quadrille
Head over to Amazon to get your copy.
Got wisdom to pour?
Amazing illustrations. Thank you for sharing. Alice in Wonderland was published on 26 November 1865, so 19th century …