25 Of The Most Infuriating Guests People Had To Host
When we visit someone else’s home, we enter with the understanding that it’s their space and their rules. However, not all guests respect the house and the hosts. According to one study, close to 37% of people questioned had encountered visitors who were quite entitled and obnoxious.
Recently, someone online asked folks, “What’s the rudest thing a guest in your home has done?” Respondents opened up about the most off-putting people they had unfortunately had over. Scroll below to read about these chaotic house guests that made people reconsider inviting them back to their turf ever again.
#1 Stole $100. But this story has a happy ending.
Image source: anon, Giorgio Trovato / unsplash (not the atual photo)
When I was young I had three friends over, all of them brothers. The oldest was my age, the middle was a couple years younger (same age as my brother), and they had brought their youngest brother with them. He was a little b***h.
Well that day my dad let me hang onto a $100 bill because I thought it was cool and had never seen one. I showed it off to my friends and left it on my side table. I didn’t even notice it go missing.
Well, here’s how the story goes. My friends had left, and when they got near their house, the youngest brother pulled out the $100 and said “hey guys, look what I took.” The two older brothers got *pissed.* They dragged him crying all the way back to my house, handed me the $100 that I hadn’t even realized was missing, and forced him to apologize. Friends of integrity right there.
#2 My 10-year-old distant cousin unwrapped 3 new bars of soap and flushed them down the toilet on the 3rd floor of my house. That night, we returned from dinner to find water dripping from the ceiling on the *first* floor—the third floor bathroom had flooded and the water leaked through the floor, dripped from the ceiling of the second floor, and leaked though to the ceiling of the first floor. the whole mess cost thousands of dollars to repair. The kid confessed everything with great glee and his mother just thought it was the funniest thing.
Image source: diphoemacy, Annie Spratt / unsplash (not the actual photo)
#3 Tried to crawl into bed with me while I was asleep with my husband next to me in bed. Creepy and rude.
Image source: KikiParker88, Polina Kovaleva / pexels (not the actual photo)
#4 Insisted on making dinner. Burned the steaks.
Insisted on making hamburgers. I told him I didn’t like onions. Made the hamburgers with chunks of onions. I tried to eat one, but chunks of raw onions is not something I want to eat.
He made beans in a crockpot, but didn’t refrigerate them overnight. Just left them out in the crockpot. Plugged it in the next morning and let them cook all day the second day. Claimed if there was any bacteria in there, cooking it killed it all. Repeated for a week. Spouse and I ate the beans the first night and refused any leftovers.
We had record heat for days on end, so we ran the air conditioning. He would *not quite* shut the door to the outside, leaving a small crack letting the cool air out and his smoking in. Every time I passed by, I’d shut the door till it latched. Worse, we had indoor-only cats and they would occasionally escape because he could not understand that the door needed to be shut.
He left open potatoes chip bags in the pantry.
It wasn’t any one thing, although food poisoning and endangering the cats were pretty close, it was the conglomeration of a lot of little things.
Image source: TexanReddit
#5 My FIL came for Christmas dinner, our first Christmas in our own place and first Christmas ever with him. I put on a meal for him and SIX of his guests all by myself. He brought nothing, parked his a*s at the head of the table and chain smoked until his meal was ready. As he was leaving he tried to convince my husband to leave me to the clean up and come to the bar with him. When that didn’t work he said okay see ya and threw his empty cigarette pack on our living room floor. He’s just a joy to be around.
Image source: Nedinburgh
#6 I’ve made this post before so I’ll just copy paste it here:
Image source: ConstableBlimeyChips, John Noonan / unsplash (not the actual photo)
Not my house but my car. I don’t have many rules for passengers when I’m driving but there are two I will never budge on.
1: Wear your seat belt.
2: Do not smoke in my car.
I had just bought a car, it wasn’t brand new but I knew the previous (and only) owner and I knew he was a car guy who took meticulous care of his cars inside and out. He wouldn’t even sell me the car before he had given the engine a proper service. Within a week of getting the car a friend asked for a lift to the train station, I knew he smoked so as we walked to the car I told him specifically to wait until we get to the station before he lights up (a 10 minute ride at most).
I back out of the parking spot, drive to the exit of the parking lot and as I check my left hand side for oncoming cars I hear from my right the distinctive sound of a lighter sparking up. Dude could not even f*****g wait until we were out of the f*****g car park before he just had to have his goddamn cigarette. I ask him what the hell he thinks he’s doing and he just looks at me and says “Relax, it’s not like it’s a new car.” F****r ended up walking to the train station.
#7 I was babysitting my neighbours daughter. My neighbour was supposed to pick up the girl hours before and didn’t answer any of my messages prior. I got the living room ready just in case if she was gonna stay the night. It was close to midnight and he finally came to pick her up. The dad ranged the bell and when I answered the door he was sooo wasted. He barged in and walked past me to go to kitchen and everything that was in his grasp, he literally destroyed. He went to the fridge and drank juice straight from the carton. He then walked back to the living room where his daughter was, then was spewing random s**t to her and mid sentence he vomited all over my couch and passed out after.
Image source: dazedbean, charlesdeluvio / unsplash (not the actual photo)
EDIT: For those of you asking;
* Yes he did apologize and paid to clean the couch.
* The daughter at that time just started first grade, so she was probably 6 or 7. She’s very smart, so she was aware of what was going on.
* Did I call CPS? Yes. He turned out to be an alcoholic and it wasn’t the first time he has done this.
#8 Told their children ages 4 and 8 that they can put their feet with their shoes on our furniture. Their justification was that we let our dog get on the furniture. My husband told them no feet on our furniture previously and this pissed the parent off.
Image source: Iamjune, Allie Feeley / pexels (not the actual photo)
#9 Drank half of the $200 bottle of tequila I got my wife for her birthday. She filled it up with water so we wouldn’t notice though…
Image source: naigung, cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)
#10 My mum welcomed a far away cousin or someone into our house. He walked in, into the kitchen where my dad was sitting watching TV and said “and who the f**k is this?”.
Image source: vampireondrugs, Karolina Kaboompics / pexels (not the actual photo)
#11 A little late to the conversation but I had a friend a few weeks ago come over and test a few new games on my VR system. I love that thing and super proud of owning one. When he was done with it he tossed the headset on the ground from stomach height. Shocked and appalled I asked him what the f**k he was doing and he looked me in the eye and said “what? It’s not mine.” Needless to say he’s not allowed over at my house anymore.
Image source: anon
#12 My really close friend brought his now ex girlfriend that was super controlling over while me and a few other friends were hanging out, about thirty minutes in she decided that she is going to go into my super white bathroom and dye her hair black, not only this but if you’ve never dyed your hair before you must rinse your hair out to get excess dye out. She ended up staining my white counters, bath tub/ shower, floor, two decorative towels, my carpet outside the bathroom and my toilet. I was so irate and I don’t think she understood that you do not do this s**t in someone else’s house without asking them. Literally everyone that was over including me told her to get her now just showered naked a*s out of my house. I was so done because she just stained soooooo much s**t that will not come out easy. It makes my blood boil thinking about it now.
Image source: anon, Marie / flickr (not the actual photo)
#13 I forgot about the girl I hadnt seen in years showing up to my parents house unannounced. I was so happy to see her. So she came home with me and we ate dinner and caught up on life. She stayed the night since ” it was so late” . The next day she confessed she was just realeased from Jail and had no where to go. We tried getring rid of her for weeks. Then one day we stopped in Walgreens for something and she stole stuff. After that my grandpa told her to suck off a trucker if she had to but she was leaving no matter what. I dropped her off at the train station. She called me 20 minutes later but I refused to answer. Haven’t heard from her since.
Image source: Blessedfaith0098
#14 Let her dog, who was on a leash, pee on me and continue talking to finish her thought before taking him outside. She also didn’t help clean it up.
Image source: faerie03, Eray Karataş / pexels (not the actual photo)
#15 Picked up my very small poodle, held her on her back with two hands over a 10 ft balcony. If my dog would’ve even wiggled, she would’ve fallen to her death.
Image source: kweenbreen, insung yoon / unsplash (not the actual photo)
#16 My brother was coming to town and needed a place to stay. I offered him my couch ( its a big three-seater and pretty comfy). When he got home he made a podcast and talked about how terrible it was sleeping on my couch. Get a motel next time then you cheap ungrateful d**k!
Image source: youarevictorious
#17 Stole money from our engagement cards, at our house, during our engagement party.
Image source: f1owers, Mediamodifier / unsplash (not the actual photo)
#18 Let their child punch our brand new TV and laughed as he did it as if it was cute.
Image source: anon, Renan Braz / pexels (not the actual photo)
#19 I was having a Halloween party 4 or 5 years ago and this girl, I s**t you not, just started smashing the pumpkins we had as interior decorations. Like excuse me hoe, what is wrong with you???
Image source: Johnox, Vladimir Srajber / pexels (not the actual photo)
#20 My grandma brought my aunt’s badly behaved, non-house trained dog with them on a visit. They had all been specifically told the dog could not come to the house, when they showed up with it we found an old play crib and said it needed to stay in there for the duration. My grandma would pick it up and let it loose whenever she could.
About two weeks after they left we realized that the dog had fleas, and we had massive infestations that infected all of our 5 dogs and 4 cats, caused scars on all of us from bites, and took almost 3 years to eradicate completely.
Image source: randomthrowaway267
#21 Male friend asked that my partner and I take ourselves and our <12 month old daughter to a motel for a night whilst he uses our house to try his luck with one of our female friends we invited over for a game night.
Image source: InSight89, RDNE Stock project / pexels (not the actual photo)
#22 Kid tried to cut my birthday cake, and open my presents. The whole time his mom was laughing like it
Image source: NoAffect4, A n v e s h / unsplash (not the actual photo)
I WAS F*****G MAD. I looked at the mom and she was like ohhh Johnathan don’t do that sweetie. The f*****g kid kept doing it. I grabbed him and the f****r was fighting me to open my presents I s**t you not. He just had to see what was inside. Then he tried to cut my cake tell his mom to get the knife he is ready to cut his cake. What pissed me off the most was that none of the parents did s**t. My mom was in the kitchen so she couldn’t see what was happening. They all just sat there watching it happen. It was only after I was like f**k this I am done I don’t care anymore.
The kid was 8 and I was 6.
#23 My cousin and her daughter, who has down syndrome, were visiting and staying with me in my home. Her kid pooped in a quilt, and for some reason my cousin rolled it up and shoved it in the closet in the guest room without telling me.
Image source: anon, K Adams / unsplash (not the actual photo)
I discovered it after they left (it was rolled up pretty good so I didn’t smell it immediately) because my dog stood in front of the closet and barked nonstop until I came and found it…She was so offended by it and didn’t stop barking until it was completely cleaned up, haha.
Edit: I called her and said, “I found the quilt from your bed rolled up with poop in the closet…what happened?” And she said, “Oh, daughter had an accident. Sorry!”.
#24 She acted like an entitled restaurant patron, in my home.
Image source: ohitsberry, Duygu Güngör / unsplash (not the actual photo)
She spent the night because her divorce was uncomfortable and contentious. She didn’t want to go home to her husband’s house, and didn’t have any family in this country. So she was couch surfing.
My selection of tea wasn’t big enough, and the grape jelly I had wasn’t as nice as an assortment of jams. She ate the pancakes despite them not being her favorite, and was really surprised I didn’t have a waffle iron. She didn’t complain about the breakfast sausage, and I did the eggs for her, my husband and me as we each wanted them anyway. Then she raided our pantry for snacks to take with her before she left.
She wasn’t couch surfing… she was wearing out her welcome very quickly at every friend’s house she went to. She was a nightmare when we helped her move to a sketchy apartment, and then again to a less sketchy place . She was just all take and no give in general, and stopped reaching out when my husband and I stopped giving.
#25 I had a friend who used to jump onto furniture like lawn chairs and stuff. He claimed it wouldn’t break it, but sometimes he did break stuff and he just complained it’s not his fault but that the furniture was too fragile.
Image source: darth_hotdog, Kindel Media / pexels (not the actual photo)
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