20 Of The Silliest Reasons People Took Their Pets To The Vet

Published 2 years ago

Every pet owner knows that pets need care and attention just like a baby. They often get injured or sick and need instant visits to the vet. However, sometimes, the vet visit turns out to be expensive and meaningless.

Recently, a Twitter user Kristin Chirico asked “Hi please tell me about your most ridiculously funny emergency vet bill, the ones in this thread and VERY GOOD” and people shared their funny and silly stories of expensive vet visits in the thread. Scroll below to read some of those hilarious stories.

More info: Twitter

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Image source: emilygmonster


Image source: vanessa_young56


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Image source: prettybaddie27


Image source: mysta42


Image source: fionafraser


Image source: stinapag


Image source: BengalKathy


Image source: chmoneyb


Image source: observedbriefly


Image source: McJesse


Image source: PaladinAmber


Image source: ai_valentin


Image source: _parasocial


Image source: awkwardsince86


Image source: easykidmp3


Image source: PippityPip


Image source: Deangeville


Image source: ItsKatBiscuits

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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animals, funny animals, funny vet visits, pet owner, pets, ridiculous vet visits, vet bills, vet visits, vets