“Work Is Your Home 5 Days A Week”: 25 Posts About Late-Stage Capitalism

Published 2 months ago

The primary focus of a business is making money. Hence, began the battle of people versus profit. Sadly, in a capitalist-driven world employees are often considered as expendable. Recently, the folk at r/antiwork subreddit decided to discuss how scary late-stage capitalism has become. The bizarre notes and messages from workplaces that they shared might make you think unemployment might actually be the better option rather than working under the conditions that these companies are offering. 

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#1 Ever Since I Have Found Stability In My Career, I Feel More Empowered To Respond To Recruiters Like This:

Image source: trippyyhippy

#2 85 Degree Bakery Enabled Tips On Their Point Of Sale Devices. Tips Don’t Go To Workers; You’re Just Giving The Company More Money

Image source: MightyTribble

#3 Am I Wrong To Be Irritated By This?

Image source: bluebrindleivy

#4 My House Burned Down Two Months Ago, And I’m In A Fight With The Insurance Company. My Neighbour Has Concerns

Image source: Southern_Activity177

#5 When My Grandfather Passed Away, My Boss Asked For A Funeral Note. Wtf Is A Funeral Note?

Image source: snaresht

#6 Sad That People Need To Be Reminded Of This

Image source: indianplayers

#7 We All Know About “Shrinkflation”. Can I Coin The Term, “Trickflation”?

Image source: inasimplerhyme

#8 Boss Wrote “Thief” On My Check

Image source: OriginalNotice7957

“Filed a wage theft report against my former employer, was told he only paid 80% of what was owned, but I sucked it up. When I picked up the check at the Department of Labor, it had ‘THIEF’ boldly written on the subject line. Super awkward, unfair, and embarrassing, especially with others witnessing it. Is there anything that can be done?”

#9 And This Is Just In One State

Image source: Kit-tiga

#10 Injury At Work

Image source: petalios

#11 And Some Have Super Yachts While Their Employees Are Drowning

Image source: Redmannn-red-3248

#12 17-Year-Old Employee Ends Up In Er Before Scheduled Shift, Her Mother And Grandmother Both Call In On Her Behalf. Still Gets Fired For Not Personally Calling In.

Image source: UnsupervisedMink

#13 Employees Need A Doctor’s Note To Eat At Work

Image source: MiladyWillDo

#14 This Sign Was Posted In A Popeyes Next To The Customer Restrooms

Image source: Ironthumb

#15 Dollar General Management With An Inspiring Message To Staff

Image source: Whadyagot

#16 I’ve Been Giving Employers A Piece Of My Mind

Image source: Affectionate_Okra298

#17 Popular Sandwich Chain Had This Tip Sign

Image source: shibbyman342

#18 Over 14,000 California Disney Workers Authorize Strike

Image source: AnonBard18

#19 My Husband Is An Repair Technician Working On Their Fridge

Image source: GilbertTheCrunch

#20 Is This Allowed

Image source: generaljustin3

#21 Makes Me Even More Mad If Possible. What Do You Think?

Image source: Catiline64

#22 Paramedic

Image source: Physical-Way188

#23 Found On Facebook

Image source: Due_Recording6357

#24 Do I File A Wage Theft Claim?

Image source: GeneralMills420

#25 We Got A New District Manager

Image source: Remote-Acadia4581

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



antiwork, capitalism, corporate, money, work