30 Aspects Of Life Available to A Rich Person That A Person Doesn’t Even Consider

Published 12 months ago

Ever wondered about the habits and practices that fly under the radar of the average person? Those expensive little aspects of life that distinguish the super-wealthy from the rest of us. Keen on unravelling the mysteries of wealth and privilege Redditor InfiniteMirrorss posted online asking people, ‘what they believe to be the things the super-wealthy do that the average person doesn’t even consider’.

Thousands of revealing answers flooded in. Contributors shared their opinions on the unseen dimensions of wealth and success that are normal aspects of the lifestyles and behaviours of the affluent. Scroll below to dive into some of the most popular responses found on the thread. 

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#1 A former client of mine, sadly, recently deceased, has/had two yachts moored in the South of France, next to each other.

Image source: Wwwweeeeeeee, Pixabay / pexels

One was fast, one was slow. He’d take the fast one down to St. Tropez, and have the other one follow because it was more comfortable. He’d have lunch in one of his restaurants there, then relax on the slow yacht for the day. Sometimes he’d stay overnight, sometimes not. But he’d take the fast yacht back to home port.

The captains would hand out thousands to get the best berths in St. Tropez. He literally used the yachts like his taxi.

He would do the same to his house in Portofino, but that was usually a week or so trip.

His recent passing made global headlines, to give an idea of the dosh. But to be fair, his tax contributions to the local economy literally changed the small port town he lived in. He created public parks, golf and tennis courts, a horse riding club, gym facilities, all well maintained, fully staffed with great summer programs for the kids; further works improved the roads, sidewalks, public beaches and walking/hiking paths; he bought a disused old church and turned it into a public museum, etc. He literally contributed so much to the local economy that they no longer charge for public parking anywhere, it’s all free, all year round.

That’s how you’re supposed to ‘trillionaire’.

#2 I have a client who is so wealthy she is functionally invisible. No online presence, un-Googleable. The name she uses isn’t even her legal name, but I have no idea what her real name is, because she has a family office (private wealth management) that handles her money, so checks from her come from that group.

Image source: TheNightWitch, Pavel Danilyuk / pexels

But what I love is that she does nothing. Every detail of her life is done by magic – car always immaculate, dogs walked and fed, and taken to the vet. Once a week a beauty staff show up to wax and manicure. She legit has no idea how her clothes are always clean and immaculately pressed, her house perfect, fridge always stocked, meals on the table twice a day, bills paid, taxes done, investments invested, garden weeded, etc. Like, she knows she has staff, and they do it all, but she has no idea what ‘all’ is, or how they do it. She wanted to try paddle boarding and an hour later a top of the line paddle board and accessories was unpacked and ready to go in her car. She just dials a phone number and says what she wants and then she gets it, immediately. She has a concierge on staff.

That’s what the ultra rich do. Nothing.

#3 Years ago I read an article about someone whose business was keeping ultra-rich people’s cars ready to go – as in if you have a Ferrari in multiple cities they’d keep it fueled up, oil changed, etc and drive it around the block once a week or so, and have it waiting at the airport when the owner flies into town.

Image source: AtlEngr, Dennis Truong / pexels


When I was a car mechanic, our shop would do this type of work for the richest clients. I remember doing a $800 oil change on a Maserati that was only driven 7 miles in 6 months. Insane

#4 My SIL’s cousin’s family is very rich.

Image source: Visible_Number, Pixabay / pexels

They have two basketball courts inside their house that’s how massive it is. Inside the house. They bought all the lots next to their mansion and built a park just for their family so they wouldn’t need to be near anyone. I got vertigo when I walked into the “gym” it was so large. My brain couldn’t handle that I was inside such a large space that was also inside a house and it couldn’t understand what it was looking at, and then it processed it. That experience is burned in my memory. I was looking for a bathroom when I stumbled on it.

#5 I once met a man that bought a $5m+ house about an hour away from his actual house simply because his wife didn’t like him smoking cigars at home. He would only use the house to smoke in and have a party or two a year.

Image source: cakirby, Soscenic Photography / pexels

#6 When they wanted an addition to their Hamptons house, they couldn’t get a start date from the super-busy local contractors, so they rented a nearby house and hired a company from Maine to move in there and do the addition. Paid for like a dozen workers to live in a house in the Hamptons until the addition was done, like over a year.

Image source: Bear_Facial_Hair, Pixabay / pexels

#7 Having separate sets of clothing in each house so they don’t have to take more than carry-on luggage when traveling.

Image source: Diligent-Comfort-191, Asya Cusima / pexels


I’ve heard of this but for expensive designer bags too – a client returned to buy another $8000 bag in the exact same size and color – – when a sales clerk asked if it’s for gifting since she has the bag already, the client replied, “No. This will be sent to my other home”

#8 Having someone hired to cook for them.

Image source: AsleepDay_, cottonbro studio / pexels


My brother-in-law is an amazing professional chef. He was hired by a billionaire to be a full-time chef at one of his houses on a private island. The money was crazy but he wound up leaving because he got bored out of his mind: the guy was never home and the only people using the house were usually the billionaire’s preteen kids who only wanted french fries and chicken fingers, lol.

#9 There are several single family owned Montessori schools. Like a family office put together an entire mini school just for their kids and their friends’ kids. It became a thing to do when the pandemic hit. Some of them are 100% mobile too, like teaching on the jet/all over the world.

Image source: cholula_is_good, Pavel Danilyuk / pexels

#10 Have assistants do things we wouldn’t dream of doing. I know a rich person who hired a personal assistant to find a land to purchase: “Here are the criteria… forested land by the sea, cliffs, quiet area but with cell reception and make it so that it isn’t an area with lots of boat traffic so I can take my bath while looking out at sea.”

Image source: xutopia, Alex Green / pexels

#11 Own a Senator or two.

Image source: Sufficient_Pipe_1372, Laura Musikanski / pexels

#12 Live above the law.

Image source: Fair_Swimmer_7395, Sora Shimazaki / pexels

#13 Buying two $1,500 cashmere sequined short sleeved sweaters so that your tailor can cut up one sweater and make sleeves out of it because the top doesn’t come in a long sleeve version.

Image source: Sgt_Booler, cottonbro studio / pexels

Source: I used to work for a very wealthy retired actress who did this. I had to purchase the sweaters for her and schedule the tailor.

#14 I actually know one, they haven’t been to a grocery store since mid 90s…

Image source: crud3, Christian Naccarato / pexels

#15 Buy out a company just so you can tweet what you want without fear of getting banned.

Image source: rjm101, Brett Jordan / pexels

#16 I live near Scottsdale with alot of wealthy people. They constantly remodel their vacation homes so there’s always great stuff. I bought a brand new Viking refrigerator from Craigslist. Still wrapped. It’s 8feet tall, 36”. The homeowners decided they wanted a double refrigerator instead. They’ve owned the home two years. Still haven’t stayed a night there. The refrigerator retails for $18K. I got it for $1,500.

Image source: Majestic_Winter9951, Mikael Blomkvist / pexels

#17 Hosted a dinner at the home of a Noble family in Scotland a few years ago and the Duke was showing me around a few weeks before hand. Told me a story about how depressed he was when an art appraiser, looking at one of his paintings told him the painting was not by a student of Goya, but was in fact by Goya himself. He was unhappy because the €15 million jump in value meant he would have to redo his insurance paperwork. He already had had to use two different insurance companies to cover the total value previously.

Image source: Doohicky_d, Andrew Neel / pexels

Other things I found there: original da Vinci sketches hanging over a toilet under the staircase in a servant’s hallway, a Guttenberg Bible in a stack of books on the floor in a spare room, and on and on it went.

#18 Trying to take a submersible, controlled by a game controller, down to the titanic.

Image source: PsychologicalSense41, Pixabay / pexels

#19 Steve Jobs decided he didn’t like having a license plate, because he could be identified by it and it kept getting stolen. So he called up the Mercedes dealer and made a deal with them.

Image source: themcp, Mike Bird / pexels

In CA it was legal to drive a car with no license plate for 30 days after you get it. So, once a month, they’d show up and replace his car with an identical new Mercedes, so he’d never have a car for more than 30 days and could effectively drive around forever with no license plate.

#20 Summer (in the verb form).

Image source: FireProps, Michael Block / pexels


My first day working at a law firm a lawyer in the elevator asked me where I spent my summer. I said the same place I spent my fall, spring and winter

#21 There’s a type of mega yacht that follows the main yacht and it just carries toys.

Image source: 4sOfCors, Arvid Knutsen / pexels

#22 Concierge/private specialized medical care. If they have a special or chronic condition, say kidney failure, they’ll have a dialysis ward installed in their home with a private nephrologist etc. (or end up hiring someone who will end up donating an organ to them) or cancer treatments – set up in home, etc. or have an MRI installed in their home etc.

Image source: Blackthorne519, Antoni Shkraba / pexels

#23 Buying a home for their college-age children.  Then they sell the house when their kid graduates.  Sometimes this sale pays for college.

Image source: NeroBoBero, Pavel Danilyuk / pexels


I was a realtor for this. They would also have rent paying roommates during their college years. Sell the house and pay back all the housing and a lot of the tuition costs.

#24 I dated a girl from a super rich family for a couple years and every spring her entire family would go through their closets and donate 90% of their wardrobe and then go out and drop $20k+ on entirely new clothes for the year because they HAD to have the new season of everything.

Image source: Windy_Beard, Alexandra Maria / pexels

As some one who grew up wearing clothes till they fell apart and patching them if they still fit, this blew my mind, getting rid of perfectly good clothes because they were “last season” is just insane to me.

#25 Hunt humans for sport on an isolated island.

Image source: PancakeExprationDate, Elle Hughes / pexels

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



average person, money, poor person, privilege, rich, rich habits, rich privilege