25 Hilariously Relatable Memes For Anyone Raising Kids
Let’s take a moment to express gratitude to all the parents out there. They’re not only shaping the future of our planet but also providing endless entertainment in the form of memes. Whether you’re a parent or not, these memes often bring a smile to your face.
Introducing a Facebook page dedicated to parenting memes aptly named “Parenting Memes.” Dive in and enjoy some of the finest memes that celebrate the joys and challenges of parenthood.
Image source: parentinglol
Image source: parentinglol
Ashlisha: As someone who just found the correct color of wall paint and finally got that area touched up. I can concur.
Image source: parentinglol
Joshua Moore: Rub some dirt on it or the bandaids are in the bathroom.
Image source: TheCatWhisprer
Image source: parentinglol
Image source: parentinglol
Image source: parentinglol
Madre_Dr4gnZFly: The “Mother’s Curse”: “I hope you have a child just like you when you grow up!”.
Image source: parentinglol
Image source: parentinglol
Image source: parentinglol
Aerial (Any pronouns/Canadian/Jewish): My mom got me reading quickly by putting on Sailor Moon with subtitles. It worked, and now I read very fast! I really loved Sailor Moon and I was GOING to understand it.
Image source: parentinglol
Brenda: Parenting skill level – expert
Image source: parentinglol
Geoffrey Scott: Had(18 mo) grandson stay with us recently. Walking around with hands clasped behind his back as if he was the inspector, giving stink eye…head down eyes looking up. What a nut
Image source: parentinglol
Image source: parentinglol
Joshua Moore: EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!
Image source: momtransparent1
Image source: ksujulie
Image source: parentinglol
Andrew Read: I thought it was a platyphant…
Image source: parentinglol
Image source: parentinglol
Image source: parentinglol
Image source: joeheenan
Michelle: Me and my friends used to play under the hospital which was raised off the ground and had dripping pipes with puddles of who knows what…ah, good times.
Image source: BaileyWestern
Brenda: Late hubby used to ask (under his breath) “What did we get them?”.
Image source: parentinglol
Feathered Dinosaur: First a), then b) obviously
Catpawsarethebest : All the people saying A first dont have kids. Its not everyday you kid gets (almost) eaten by a camel. You need this pic for the future, to bring up at their wedding. Or just to laugh at… 😂 (dont worry I would save my kid of course).
Image source: parentinglol
Image source: HenpeckedHal
Almost sunny: Tag you’re it
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