Artist Shows Everyday Struggles Of Her Life In Hilarious And Relatable Comics (25 Pics)
In the vast realm of art, some creators have a unique ability to capture the essence of our everyday lives, turning mundane moments into something extraordinary. Meet Zena, a talented artist whose witty and relatable comics have taken the internet by storm.
With a keen eye for observation and a knack for finding humor in the ordinary, the artist’s work resonates with audiences around the world. In this article, we’ll explore some of Zena’s delightful comics that depict the humor and charm found in the simple moments of daily life.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com | patreon.com
Image source: zenacomics
Image source: zenacomics
Mimi La Souris : “🤣 that’s level 1. level 1 000, doing the same with the panty”
Image source: zenacomics
Janet Howe : “Cats and couches…when they aren’t scratching the h*’ll out of them, they’re sleeping on them and secretly discussing where to shed the most hair on them.”
Image source: zenacomics
Abigail Strong : “Yeah like you know when you’re stressed you gnaw on a raw potato to feel better because it reminds you of that one time your mom bit you as a kid and it strangely helped you calm down…everyone does that right?”
Image source: zenacomics
eric riggs : “The internet is absolutely chock full of silent opinions. Just as the world is absolutely chock full of happy, wonderful news. But you can’t see what doesn’t get spread around.”
Image source: zenacomics
Mimi La Souris : “French is so difficult, Homer level is already a big win ! courage to every pandas trying to learn a new language”
Image source: zenacomics
Donteatme666 : “This freaking brain needs to relax but it never does does it …..”
Image source: zenacomics
Kai Shika : “my body tells me to sleep for 12+ hours everyday, idk if that’s normal but when i have nothing to be up for i can be asleep before 10pm and wake up after 12pm”
Image source: zenacomics
Your Local Weeb : “This cannot get anymore accurate”
Image source: zenacomics
That One Guy : “yeah dogo is beautiful”
Image source: zenacomics
Janet Howe : “Don’t forget to lick the inside of the bag.”
Image source: zenacomics
That One Guy : “mmmm yes dogo”
Image source: zenacomics
Lolo : “Evey freaking year 😭”
Image source: zenacomics
Image source: zenacomics
Image source: zenacomics
Image source: zenacomics
Image source: zenacomics
Image source: zenacomics
Image source: zenacomics
Image source: zenacomics
Image source: zenacomics
Image source: zenacomics
Image source: zenacomics
Image source: zenacomics
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