25 Things Boomers Love To Complain About That Infuriate Younger Generations Too
We often think that age is what makes a person cranky and prone to complaining. Change is not easy to adapt to as older adults find particular new-fangled ideas, innovations and socially acceptable rules a little too intolerable. However, according to Gen Zers, there are quite a few things about our modern world that even they find just as annoying as boomers do.
These ‘boomer complaints’ seem to have a growing fandom amongst younger generations who find they too can relate to the apathy felt by the older generations for certain things like QR codes, saving to the cloud and self-driving cars, which they confess can be somewhat out of their comfort zone too.
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Image source: NuagesCraniales, MART PRODUCTION
People are too sensitive nowadays.
Hear me out. Yes, it’s great that we’re becoming less tolerant of prejudice, but there are a******s everywhere. You need to be able to build up some resilience for your own sake.
Image source: Jonguar2, Bram Van Oost
I hate tech in cars. With a passion. I want a hand break. I want levers and dials and buttons with physical feedback.
Image source: Expensive_Jeweler_73, Nicolas Lobos
Why does it take me 30minutes and pressing 20 buttons to get a real human on the phone.
Image source: Longjumping-Cat-9207
I think they should ban TikTok.
Image source: FirstDyad, Ron Lach
Kids need to be taught that their actions have consequences, specially when it comes to “Prank” videos where people are just annoying in public. Other people are not NPCs, you are not the main character, and if you knock s**t out of my hands for a “prank” I will slap tf out of you, I don’t care how privileged you think you are. It’s so dystopian that the age of these creators keep getting younger and younger and we seriously need to address this problem more bc 10 year olds making “prank” videos are going to get themselves or someone else hurt.
Image source: Butters_gf, Adrien Olichon
Why the hell is background music in restaurants and stores so god damn loud. Looking at you chipotle.
Image source: alxmg, National Cancer Institute
Elementary and Middle schooler do not need “graduation” ceremonies. Finishing those levels are the bare minimum of not being neglected.
Image source: PleasantSalad, Ave Calvar
Are you an app based company? NO? Then don’t force me to download an app to use your service.
I know you’re just selling my info. Trying to profit off me twice. I will always give you 1 star for this. It’s cheap and scammy.
Image source: Ninjallammas, Justus Menke
People who modify the exhaust on their car just to make it louder. I can tell the difference between a big engine and your wet fart machine.
Image source: matznerd
Self-driving cars are such a terrifying concept.
Image source: Bman1465
I *hate* QR code menus, I want physical menus like we’ve had for centuries.
Image source: mycathaspurpleeyes, ROBIN WORRALL
I don’t want to put my data on the cloud i don’t *really* know where it goes and I dont trust it.
Image source: Brokenspade1, Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz
Planned Obsolescence.
FuQ whoever invented that concept. In the bootyhole. With a cactus.
My uncle has a 1949 Chevrolet deluxe. It still runs.
I’ve got a GM double bay electric range I inherited from my dad. It’s from the late 1950s… it Still works… everything on it, still works. It has saved me buying a new one for YEARS.
There was a time when stuff got made locally by people who took real pride in craftsmanship.
Now? it’s all made with the assumption it’ll be I’m a landfill 2 months after the warranty. We are more technologically advanced then ever but we make worse c**p than the boomers parents did. WTF?
Image source: Madam_KayC, Getty Images
Nobody seems to respect each other. Seriously, it’s all “me me me me me” and they think they are entitled to respect without actually giving it to others.
Image source: clairvoyant69, pubultrastar
“Smart” appliances of any kind. More expensive because they’re trying to peddle it as something top of the line and new and awesome, then infinitely more expensive once your brand new item breaks after 3 weeks of owning it and you have no choice but to shell out money on top of money to make the damn thing work again, and there’s only like 1 guy in the whole state that works on the repairs for the f****n thing so the company can charge you 1 million dollars an hour. Add on the typical planned obsolescence and ruining our earth and resources for it all and you’ve got one angry b***h (me).
Image source: uglydadd, Jeswin Thomas
Why do people say “literally” when they mean figuratively?
Image source: datasnorlax, Aoumeur Abderrahmen
My husband made fun of me the other day because I went off on a “they don’t make things like they used to” rant. But it’s true!
Image source: Sapphire_01, Expect Best
I keep seeing wild grass fields and mass amounts of woodland being torn down for these abominable structures and it makes me so mad every time another micro habitat is destroyed for profit.
Image source: BigCheese18, laura adai
Idk that this is really a boomer take but there’s no more honor or respect in our society anymore. I try to be as nice and positive as I can to people around me and I want to help people and make peoples lives better but it just doesn’t feel like you can do that anymore. It’s like if I’m driving and see someone stuck on the side of the road I want to help them but it’s like there’s a 50/50 chance I either get robbed or they freak out thinking I’m going to hurt them or something since it’s almost unheard of that people just help eachother. It feels like nobody knows their neighbors anymore and community is dead. People only care about themselves these days and it makes the collective attitude incredibly sour. There’s so many negative people in this world that it makes it hard to stay positive when every time you are you just get shut down or it’s not reciprocated. People have become so self centered and entitled these days.
Image source: anon, freestocks.org
How everyone you meet asks for your social media profile. I don’t have any. You wanna talk to me, here’s my number.
Image source: RobotMathematician, mimagephotography
I’m sorry but that broccoli haircut is just awful.
Image source: ResurgentRS, Marten Bjork
Sometimes it’s you. Get over yourself.
All over social media I’ll see people ranting about having social anxiety/depression/having a mental illness and not getting invited places. And while I *want* to have sympathy, a lot of the time I’m like “damn, I can see why.”
Some people are just such a pill.
Talk to whoever, and heal whatever you need to heal, but don’t be expecting a party invite if all you do is sit in a corner or talk about a dead pet.
Image source: helm_hammer_hand, Jacob Boavista
I hate that you need an app for everything. Don’t get me wrong, I love apps. I couldn’t get through my day without Spotify, YouTube, my banking apps, etc. but when f*****s like McDonald’s want me to get an app just so I can get menu items at their normal prices, they can f**k right off.
Image source: Greenjets, Getty Images
Why is everyone always on their f*****g phones? When I see friend groups all sitting around on their phones instead of talking to each other it’s depressing.
Having phones banned at schools is actually not a bad idea. Kids are glued to their screens all day then complain they have bad social skills or no friends which is just… come on now. And I’m no extrovert myself but at least make an effort.
Image source: Appropriate_Cicada68, Pixabay
Why are teens so dang loud in public spaces.
Got wisdom to pour?