30 Funny And Weird Family Photos Involving Celebrities
Faded photos of yourself as a baby and pictures of the family trip to Spain from 2001 aren’t the only things you can find in your old family albums. Believe it or not, some people actually stumbled upon absolutely unexpected photos that probably made their jaws drop in surprise – and today we’re all about those photos.
The Awkward Family Photos website has collected a series of pictures involving celebrities that people found in their family albums, and they’re both funny and fascinating to see. Check out some of the best ones in the gallery below, and if you want more awkward family pics, check out our previous posts here and here!
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#1 Caddyshack 3
Image source: ThisTimeLastYear
“My mom was told to tell the ‘homeless man’ he couldn’t loiter near her workplace.”
#2 The Dad Identity
Image source: coffeeandtrout
“My parents’ wedding day, February 1961. I think my Dad looks like Matt Damon.”
#3 Bill The Babysitter
Image source: [deleted Reddit user]
“Bill Murray used to babysit my brother and me. Here’s a photo of us in the late 1980s.”
#4 Hail To The Queen
Image source: [deleted Reddit user]
“My uncle, after tripping and falling in front of the queen, 1987.”
#5 The Other Man
Image source: Greentechbuilder
“My friends Grandma’s house. She put a magazine cut out of Leonardo DiCaprio over her late (not so nice) husband’s face. The 80+ year old’s version of photoshop.”
#6 Double Doppelganger
Image source: SurvivingTepee
“My twin brother and I ran into our celebrity doppelgangers, the Property Brothers.”
#7 Grandpa Johnn
Image source: mwjstone14
“My great-grandpa looks just like Johnny Depp.”
#8 Grandma?
Image source: Awkward Family Photos
“Going through my Dad’s stuff, I found a pic of my Grandma with The Three Stooges and a squirrel.”
#9 Baby Devito
Image source: pangitlee
“My son used to look like Danny DeVito when he was a baby.”
#10 Dad And The King
Image source: Forcefedlies
“My Dad and Elvis. He always told us they hung out together and we never believed him, until now.”
#11 Nick Fury’s Fury
Image source: mobyrich
“As I snapped the selfie I told Samuel L. Jackson to pose how he really felt about doing these kinds of things.”
#12 Bill Nye The Party Guy
Image source: ace2dahface
“Found out Bill Nye used to go to my mom’s parties in the ’80s.”
#13 Welcome To My Nightmare
Image source: jojocov
“My husband when he was a boy with Alice Cooper, in 1989.”
#14 Dad vs. His Airness
Image source: Bobluck6
“My Dad vs. Michael Jordan in high school.”
#15 More Harry Than Harry
Image source: bobitis
“My son looks more like Harry Potter than Harry Potter.”
#16 This Magic Moment
Image source: ILikeBlazing
“So I was going through some old photos and I found this. My Dad holding Magic Johnson and looking incredibly badass while doing it. A little backstory. My Dad was good friends with Jerry Buss’ niece, and was invited to a Laker’s picnic. He played volleyball all his life and Magic, along with a few others, wanted to test his skills. He played Magic and as he was going up for a spike, my Dad slammed it back into his face to win the game. Magic came up to him after, grabbed him and said, “Next time, you’re on my team.” They both had a good laugh and my Dad swooped him up into his arms.”
#17 The Two Rons
Image source: nearta
“So I was watching Parks and Rec and Mom thought it was a video of my father.”
#18 Chappelle’s Show
Image source: Tommeh92
“He announced ‘I’m photobombing your photo,’ and then did so. I won’t argue with Dave Chappelle.”
#19 Cock Of The Walk
Image source: Godfreee
“Chuck Norris admiring my friend’s dad’s cock in the ’80s.”
#20 The Fool, Pitied
Image source: BrendyGauntner
“A vintage Polaroid of Mr. T pitying me as a baby and my mom. 1984.”
#21 Galifanotkis
Image source: Bushmaster805
“Lakers Magazine posted a picture of my son and I in the celebrity ‘Faces in the Crowd’ section. They thought I was Zach Galifanakis.”
#22 Busted By Elton
Image source: PM_Me_Yer_Guitar
“So Elton John saw my brother at lunch today.”
#23 Black Swan Boy
Image source: Usertwothree
“This is my friend at age 13. He looked exactly like Natalie Portman.”
#24 Don’t Sweat It
Image source: loosegravel2
“The time I was a little too nervous to meet Morgan Freeman.”
#25 High And Lowe
Image source: TheNervousPoops
“My wife’s face on our wedding day compared to when she met Rob Lowe.”
#26 Grandpa Jack
Image source: [deleted Reddit user]
“Found out that my Grandfather was once Jack Black.”
#27 Little Elton
Image source: Alaric_Jenkins
“So apparently I looked like Elton John as a kid.”
#28 Looper
Image source: Lucretia99
“My uncle sometime in the late 1940’s, back when he was Joseph Gordon Levitt’s doppelganger.”
#29 National Treasure
Image source: Kevinthenevin
“My mom didn’t answer my call today. Texted asking what she was up to, and this is the photo she sent back.”
#30 Grandpa 007
Image source: Stanrock
“My grandpa might have forgotten to tell me he has a License to Kill.”
Got wisdom to pour?
SUPER BILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!