25 Things That Cast A Shadow On People’s 20s

Published 8 months ago

Ageing is a funny thing. We learn to cater to ourselves over time and how to avoid things that will not serve us. We learn harsh lessons about the world, its people and our role in that world. It’s hard to see our life objectively while in the thick of things, but hindsight sets in as time passes, and that is an unavoidable task-master. For most folks, their 20s are the most intense learning period, while others may find it’s their 30s or even their 40s.

Recently, an interesting discussion occurred on Reddit when one user asked, “How did you “waste” your 20s?” From corporate ladder climbing to falling in love with the wrong person, Netizens were quick to share what they would choose to do differently if they had a second chance. 

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#1 Wasted mine by having a poor body image and low self-esteem when I was actually thin and in shape.

Image source: SHIRER47, Pixabay / Pexels

#2 I married my first boyfriend. We were not a good match. I basically k*lled my body and mental health trying to be enough for him. I’m 30 now, about 4 years divorced, wayyy happier and learning what I want in life and learning who I want to be.

Image source: Opening_Top_5712, RDNE Stock project / Pexels

#3 Waiting for a guy to propose and not pursuing a PhD.

Image source: Klutzy_Tree515

#4 Went from going out drinking as much as possible to literally working 330+ days a year. Turns out you only have friends when you’re the fun guy lol.

Image source: Forthe-dawgz, Vitaly Gariev / Unsplash

#5 Caring what people thought of me.

Image source: Mrmakabuntis, Alexei Maridashvili / Pexels

#6 As a slave to the Jehovah’s Witnesses cult.

Image source: uglyokie, Hassocks5489

#7 My job took me around the world in my 20s. I got to travel to some pretty cool places and a lot of not so cool places. I got to hang with locals and see a lot of things tourists never saw. It was a cool experience.

Image source: slider728, cottonbro studio / Pexels

The problem was I was a heavy drinker at that point in my life. Instead of using what little free time I had to see and learn about where I was at and see the sites I was focused on drinking and strip clubs. Yes we did go see some things and do cool s**t, but I could’ve done so much more. I passed up on opportunities to see things while I was traveling to spend time in dank, smelly bars or strip clubs where pathetic guys like me were drooling over women.

#8 Trying to believe I’d be a professional musician.

Image source: bidamonvitamin, Lucas Pezeta / Pexels

#9 Spent way too much time worrying about the future instead of enjoying the present.

Image source: Brief_Sector_8397, Alex Green / Pexels

#10 Got a woman I barely liked pregnant, married her out of obligation and marriage was terrible and only lasted 3 months, worked s**t jobs to provide for my boy, got put on child support, got depressed, got fat, dreams went down the toilet, now I’m fat, old and poor.

Image source: CascadeJ1980, Maksim Smirnov / pexels

#11 Being with friends who don’t have a care for their future or their well-being. Choose you company well OP.

Image source: sweetisabella_xo, Toa Heftiba Şinca / Pexels

#12 Studying a degree i never used. 4 years at Uni, 2 years doing a masters and a ton of debt.

Image source: bell_lola

#13 I have stayed for a company that doesn’t value my work and contribution to them, I have wasted a lot of opportunity because of that, I myself have to blame for it too I didn’t have the courage to explore and try something new for my growth and development.

Image source: Just_Photograph_2679, Aleksandra Sapozhnikova / Unsplash

#14 In a toxic relationship and not understanding how to invest in myself. I’m still working on the second part.

Image source: John-Ada, Trinity Kubassek / Pexels

#15 Staying in my bedroom, playing video game instead of living. Started when I was 18, i will be 26 in 8 days and im still living like this.

Image source: Odd-Hyena-9704, Alexander Kovalev / Pexels

#16 Drifting from one low-paying dead-end blue-collar job to another.

Image source: Alfred-Adler, Magnet.me / Unsplash

#17 Caring for others and always putting them first. I came 3rd or 4th or 5th. Everything suffered. Everyone took advantage.

Image source: cornandcandy, Liza Summer / Pexels

#18 Not exactly wasted, but all I did was work, go home, sleep and repeat. Lost 95% of my friends, was a virgin all through my 20’s . Now, 3 years past my 20’s . I have a stable job, own my own house, but I am also one of the most introverted people I know, and that doesn’t help with being single.

Image source: Agreeable-Drummer545, Saulo Mohana / Unsplash

#19 Falling in love with a narcissist abusive piece of s**t that was my snitch for being involved in his crimes. Spent 4 years of my life in jail. Lost time I’ll never get back.

Image source: Fearless-Bee-8105, RDNE Stock project / Pexels

#20 Laziness. Started getting my s**t together at 25, but I still feel perpetually behind at 30.

Image source: QuotidianTrials, cottonbro studio / Pexels

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



20s, life decisions, people, regrets, wasted years, wasted youth