30 Best Examples of “Stupid Tax”: Subtle Extra Charges For Those Who Don’t Think Wisely Before Paying
Taxes are something that you pay for your contribution to society. Usually, your taxes come from your income or the things you buy, and the amount deducted from you goes to some developmental projects. If you don’t like how that sounds, just think of your taxes as your payment to your country to make things better.
However, there may be one kind of tax that you may not have heard of. It’s called the “stupid tax” – the tax you pay for being stupid. Below, we present 30 examples of this that show that if you don’t think well before you make a purchase, you might end up paying more than everybody else!
Maybe you’ll feel like you’ve dodged some scams after seeing these. You may want to check out some real-life scams next.
More info: Reddit
#1 The Ultimate Stupid Tax
Image source: Smohanlewin
#2 Had To Blink Twice At This One
Image source: asherah213
#3 Sugartax
Image source: derpthatderps
#4 If You Look At The Photo You Can See The Pillow Is Just Rotated… Literally The Same Folds In It
Image source: reddit.com
#5 Had I Not Paid Attention I’d Have Been The Fool, Not Whoever Tagged These
Image source: ClassifiedRain
#6 Bad Sale Is Bad
Image source: Shir0iKabocha
#7 What A Bargain. I’ll Take Two
Image source: marn65
#8 Et Tu, Pokémon Go?
Image source: llama2621
#9 Which One Will I Choose?
Image source: salshouille
#10 Walmart Math Is Hard. Also That Was The Last Of The Single Boxes Too
Image source: Engi22
#11 Lemon Squeezer vs. Same-Size Lime Squeezer
Image source: kattrinee
#12 Profit
Image source: Christian943
#13 So I Found This Today, And It’s 4x The Regular Price Of Water! Scam :-/
Image source: RandomRedditer157
#14 A Year Or Lifetime? Hmmm
Image source: spazzyalt
#15 Little Bargain I Spotted In Asda
Image source: darkfishlord
#16 When Buying The Book Is Cheaper
Image source: uhhsamurai
#17 Used The $2 Milkshake Coupon At Mcdonald’s. Fried Onions And Tomato Slices Were Listed As Available Options
Image source: watfm
#18 $3 More For 1/4 Of The Value!!
Image source: jiroshimaaa
#19 Same Items Inside… Hers Costs 30% More
Image source: elite4caleb
#20 You Sob …. I’m In
Image source: lsimme5196
#21 I Almost Got Taxed Today
Image source: michaeljbarton
#22 Had A Really Hard Time Deciding Which Shipping Option To Choose
Image source: the_ocalhoun
#23 Genius
Image source: lmaonerd101
#24 The Savings Are Through The Floor With This One!
Image source: Sonums
#25 My School’s Cookie Sale
Image source: JudgeandJuri
#26 The Chicken Nuggets At My Local Burger King
Image source: Benjamin075
#27 Pay An Extra Dollar For Buying In Bulk
Image source: knightshell
#28 Spend Two Dollars For 100 Pennies. What A Bargain!
Image source: Karen_Nfld
#29 My Brother Saw This At A Yard Sale Today
Image source: KidCaker
#30 Samosas For People Who Don’t Pay Attention
Image source: reddit.com
Got wisdom to pour?
If you are also part of this group of entrepreneurs, then you just need to pay attention to the bookkeeping services Singapore team of professionals
And that’s just some of the points you’ll get from getting a tax write-off!
But here’s the biggest takeaway we want to highlight: If you really believe that money should not be taxed and that you’ll eventually receive the profits out of this arrangement without a check from another government, it is possible. After all, no one can write off every dollar made by a business you decide to work for.
Thanks for this article.
Alas, any problems with taxes happen due to a complete misunderstanding of the laws and how it should work. That is why business often cooperates with specialists who solve any financial issues instead of them. The main thing is to take a responsible choice and study reviews here https://www.pissedconsumer.com/anthem-tax-services/RT-F.html