People In This Online Group Provide Insights About Parental Leaves, Here Are The Most Interesting 20

Published 3 years ago

In most countries, parental leave is a right, and in most cases, mandated by the law. Mothers deserve time to prepare for childbirth and tend to the child and themselves afterward. Fathers also deserve their break to help their wives with taking care of the child for the first few weeks or months. Usually, the leaves are paid, or sometimes, the pay is slightly reduced.

However, in the United States, it seems that parental leaves are more of a privilege than a right. And as presented in this Reddit thread, the country still has a lot to learn in terms of family rights. In the thread, people from around the world share the duration of their parental leaves and the accompanying benefits of course.

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Image source: mariela_alv, Solen Feyissa

Costa Rica is a third-world country, but we still have four months of paid maternity leave. In government jobs, even men have one month to help. All mothers have daily paid time to breastfeed and it is mandatory to supply a healthy environment for them to do so.


Image source: melanieg429f11f61, Andrea Piacquadio

I gave birth on a Friday. By Monday morning, my husband’s boss wanted him back in the office. That was the end of his paternity leave in the US.


Image source: xXxMemeLord69xXx, Liv Bruce

In Sweden we have three months of paid leave for each parent. Then a couple gets 300 days that they can divide between parents as they see fit.


California teacher here. People assume that teachers get paid maternity leave (this is possibly because there are a lot of young professionals and mothers in the field), but the truth is we do NOT. We get zero days of paid leave. We get the federally mandated 12 weeks unpaid leave, but if we need financial support during that time we have to use our sick leave. This means that most of us can’t take the full 12 weeks off.
I think a lot of us go into teaching with the hope that it will fit well into a parenting schedule (kids at school while you’re at work, summer and winter breaks) without realizing that we have very few options when it comes to maternity leave. Furthermore, if you get pregnant before getting tenured, there is a very real chance that you could lose your position. Teachers who are not tenured are on temporary contracts. When the school year ends, so does your job, unless the school ‘invites’ you back. Being pregnant does not improve your odds.

Source: emily463e6ddb9


In Germany, each parent can take up to three years of parental leave per child. In the case of the mother, this three years includes a legally prescribed six weeks after birth, during which the mother must stay home. Fathers can start parental leave at childbirth. Both parents have to take at least a part of parental leave before the child turns three and parental leave must conclude before the child’s eighth birthday. Aside from these rules, parents are free to choose the beginning and end of their parental leave.

Source: themoleofdoom


Image source: WerewolfBarMitzvah09, Lucas Margoni

Germany here, I’m originally from the US and can’t fathom having a baby in my home country honestly :/ I took off roughly 19 months maternity leave with each kid, the 6 weeks leading up to due date and the 8 weeks after were fully paid and then I received a reduced salary for the other months and continued to be insured and under pension plan. You can theoretically take 3 years of maternity leave here but the 3rd year is unpaid; however you can keep your job (they have to take you back afterwards) and continue to be insured/pensioned.


In New Zealand, you can have up to 36 weeks of paid leave. The government pays either parent about $450 a week after tax regardless of what your salary is. Your employer also has to keep your job for you and follow a full integration process. We also have mandatory four weeks of paid leave each year and ten paid sick days. It’s absolutely scary to think about jobs with no paid leave.

Source: erinmurphy3


Image source: kaysuepacabra19, nappy

My husband and I work for the same company in the United States. We recently found out that we must SHARE our 12 weeks of unpaid leave. We originally thought we would get 12 weeks per person. America really needs to start caring about parents and families. It’s especially grating because I live in a religious red state where having families is a top priority, but the government isn’t actually helping people to realize that goal.


Image source: dee, J carter

In Canada, we have 12 or 18 months of maternity leave. You get paid 80% of your normal salary, but you get the same amount stretched out over either the course of a year or the 18 months.


I live in the US. I had to go without a vacation or any time off for more than two years in order to accrue the measly seven weeks of parental leave I finally took. I couldn’t afford to be without a paycheck, so I went back the day after my PTO (paid time off) ran out. It was awful. My milk supply was still regulating, no one was sleeping through the night, and within a couple weeks, I was hit with serious postpartum depression. This country can afford paid leave. We are literally the worst for not providing it.

Source: nleninsky918


Image source: thatcheekychick, Klara Kulikova

I come from Moldova – the poorest country in Europe. You get 3 years paid plus 3 years unpaid maternity leave where they have to keep your job. You don’t get paid much. I think it’s 70% first year and 30% after that, but at least it’s available. Coming to work after one year maternity leave is considered careerist


Image source: mafs, Jonathan Borba

I’m from Kuwait and any woman giving birth gets a minimum of 70 days paid maternity leave by law. And if you work in the public sector, you can get paid leave for up to six months (or up to one year making 50% of your salary). When you are ready to go back to work the employer is not allowed to fire you either.


Image source: starkimpossibility, Mulyadi

In Japan, maternity leave refers to the medical leave that mothers are entitled to take on either side of their due date. It is approximately six weeks prior to her due date and eight weeks post). There is no equivalent leave for fathers, but some employers offer leave in addition to the mandatory entitlements (such as a week or two of ‘paid paternity leave’) to fathers around the time of the birth.


Image source: pablo_the_bear, Vidal Balielo Jr.

I’m in Korea. I got five days of paternity leave. I guess I could have legally taken more time but it was actively discouraged by my work.


Image source: ChristofferOslo, Pixabay

Norwegian men are required to take two weeks off when the baby is born. Paternal leave in total is a minimum of 15 paid weeks and two weeks right after birth.


Image source: WurmiMama, Fallon Michael

In Austria we can choose between one or two years, if you choose the 2 years you only get about 500€ per month, if you choose the one year it depends on your income before parental leave and you get up to 1700€ a month. All families additionally get about 170€ monthly per child in government assistance no matter their income. Oh and men have the right to go on paternity leave (meaning their employer is legally obligated to grant them paternity leave). If mom and dad split parental leave evenly you get another 1000€ bonus from the state.


In Lithuania it’s one year paid maternity/paternity leave (77% of your salary). Or you can spread it out over 2 years and get 2 years paid maternity/paternity leave. The other parent also gets one month paid leave when the baby is born


Image source: drnhfer, Pixabay

Slovakia here. My wife and I just had a baby boy. She will get three years of maternity leave and I will get six months of paternity leave while making 75% of my income. We also get all sorts of one-time bonuses, tax deductions, etc. I almost feel guilty for being financially secure despite not having to work for so much time.


Image source: Ok_Battle9098, Pixabay

Living in Italy… My wife’s 2.500 euro wage became 287 euros a month. For 6 months. So, it’s more of a semi paid leave


Image source: enerchia, Christian Bowen

In Romania paid maternity leave is up to 2 years and fathers can also request paternal leave.

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childbirth, family, leave, maternity leave, paid, paid leave, parent, parental leave, paternity leave