‘Oddly Specific’: 30 Posts Where Someone Said Something That Is Too Specific
It was almost midnight. Outside, through the window, I can see the houses with their lighting illuminating the cliffs of this mountainous city. The crickets were chirping at a distance. Nearby, I saw the drizzle of rain pass through the faint glow of a lamppost, giving the raindrops a chance to be seen, before they disappear from sight, disappear from the world, turning one with the stream that flows downhill.
When you’re reading novels, you’ll often see sentences beautifully woven like that. Their degree of specificness is what keeps the novel’s world alive and vivid, and such descriptions are useful for us to imagine what it feels like to be in a book. However, something just goes wrong when the descriptions of this kind are taken out of the books. Today, we introduce you to the Oddly Specific subreddit, the home of descriptions that sound unnatural but still get their messages across!
Want more of these too specific descriptions? You may want to check out how male authors write their female characters by clicking here!
More info: Reddit
#1 Interesting Quiz Options
Image source: philsadelphia
#2 Not A Squirrel!
Image source: North_Inflation1710
#3 Pemmaphobia (Cake Phobia)
Image source: TheAndrewNadeau
#4 Help Wanted
Image source: ShawannaCzarnecki
#5 Angry Avocado
Image source: nippeliito
#6 Even Average Sounds Extraordinary During Victorian Times
Image source: ambernoelle
#7 Adult Books vs. Kids’ Books
Image source: sketchesbyboze
#8 Uuh… Fox Title?
Image source: Yarklik
#9 Weird Way To Describe It But I Get The Idea
Image source: NangSor
#10 He Got A Real Good Point Tho
Image source: elijahdaniel
#11 Don’t Steel My Food?
Image source: usefulclam
#12 The Jeans Discount Is The Cherry On Top
Image source: FruityNesa
#13 When You Get Flashbacks Of Working Retail
Image source: AOC
#14 Oh Mom
Image source: bocajr119
#15 Rbdbdjddn
Image source: Mei_Shir
#16 Eminems More Positive Cousin
Image source: Gogetbusy
#17 Smoke
Image source: anonymousbwmb
#18 Rata2ie
Image source: hamishsteele
#19 I Have Never Made A Doctor’s Appointment By Myself
Image source: tey_an
#20 Brad Bad
Image source: Hollowheart9
#21 Driver Carries Only
Image source: Abidingly
#22 Aita?
Image source: verybadllama
#23 This Will Be A Reality One Day
Image source: AliKolbert
#24 The Fact That This Is Not An Exaggeration Makes It Even Better. British Football Chants Are Fun
Image source: daveloach2
#25 An Interesting Title
Image source: ceejoyner
#26 Hmm
Image source: primawesome
#27 Humble Living As A Gnome
Image source: sketchesbyboze
#28 Oh Cool
Image source: Idksonameiguess
#29 Road Trips Are So Nostalgic
Image source: lisaxy424
#30 Ok, Josh
Image source: Captain_TPT
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