This Online Community Collects Facepalm-Worthy Stupidity, Here Are The Best 30 Posts From Their Collection

Published 2 years ago

It’s amazing how far mankind has come. It’s impressive that we’ve come so far in deep space. It’s astonishing to see how progressed we have become thanks to our constantly improving technology. And of course, it’s surprising to see how far others have come with an astounding level of stupidity.

Welcome to the facepalm subreddit, named after the reaction you’ll have after seeing these posts. We gathered 30 of the stupidest posts people online made, so whenever you feel bad about yourself, remember that these kinds of people exist. And if you feel that the stupidity’s not yet enough, you may want to check this and this!

More info: Reddit

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#1 I Know Right

Image source: pietradolce

#2 When You Take The Job Before Reading The Job Description

Image source: americanthaiguy

#3 But He Needed That Medication

Image source: TinyMolasses1

#4 Blindly Playing Yourself

Image source: okiedokie64

#5 This Is Getting Really Sad Now

Image source: Whocares_101

#6 You Had One Job

Image source: Tracer_Bullet1010

#7 Who?

Image source: arifishbein

#8 All This Time I Thought It Was Avocados, Not Greed, Causing Unaffordable Housing!

Image source: UusiSisu

#9 I Never Thought Of That

Image source: TinyMolasses1

#10 May Be They Are Lazy

Image source: SarahMiller20

#11 Kids Solve All Problems

Image source: pietradolce

#12 How Is This Possible

Image source: Vendruscolo

#13 Yes, I Am Saying That

Image source: the_zestylime

#14 “Muh Guns!!!”

Image source: No-Interview97

#15 Yeah, Imagine That

Image source: 42words

#16 Does This Count As A Facepalm?

Image source: Low-Heart-3566

#17 They’re Everywhere

Image source:

#18 Would That Be Standing Up Or Lying Down? That’s The Important Question

Image source: Ralphium

#19 These Darn Spoiled Kids Today, With Their “Need To Eat At Regular Intervals” Or Whatever, Smh

Image source: primary_obscenity

#20 Let’s Go Spend 10k On Jewelry

Image source:

#21 Swear It’s Not A Pyramid Scheme

Image source: InternationalToxicit

#22 Fool Me Once, Shame On You

Image source: ExpertAccident

#23 Gluing Themselves To Table Is So Brave, Wow

Image source: Revealed_Jailor

#24 Immigrant Prisoners Are Lease To Be Slaves

Image source: MeatPublic46

#25 What’s The Problem?

Image source: StrokeRN18

#26 People Are Total Morons

Image source: adamhillscomedy

#27 Simpsons Did It

Image source: 42words

#28 That’s The UK Parliament…

Image source: thecluelessbrowsing

#29 I Desperately Want The Backstory Behind This

Image source: vhm3

#30 That Didn’t Take Long

Image source: tcn33

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disappointing, facepalm, internet stupidity, r/facepalm, reddit, stupid, stupidity