This Woman Recreated Kim Kardashian Look To Show That There Are Only A Couple Of Steps From Horrible To Perfect

Published 8 years ago

We’re used to seeing celebrities like these flawless figures whenever they’re out in the public: perfect hair, clothes, posture and all that. But is that what makes them special? Or is it something that any of us can achieve? That’s what Lithuanian stylist Agne Jagelaviciute has set out to test out.

“I decided to take on a silly experiment: Is it really only personal physical properties that determine the final result?” Agne explained to Bored Panda. “For this ‘creative joke’, I chose three Kim’s looks and attempted to replicate them in the photos. By the way, I did it in two ways. First – I took the photos without any additional measures – no makeup, deliberately choosing plainest shots. Second – I took the photos with the same outfit, added some additional accessories, didn’t miss out on makeup, chose suitable lighting and of course, picked the best shots. The shots were slightly edited with “minimal slimming” app used by street photographers and there you go – the outcome!”

With her end result, Agne hopes to illustrate that life becomes easier when “there are only a few human steps form the horrid look to the finest result – a well-lit window, fine picked foundation or just a few clicks on the computer.” Saying that it’s not these things that make us special, but instead what radiates from within us. And in my mind, that’s a pretty good point to stand by.

(h/t: boredpanda)

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Kim Kardashian’s outfit

Image credits: Flynet Pictures

Same outfit replication

First I took the photos without any additional measures – no makeup, deliberately choosing plainest shots.

Same outfit replication after few additional steps

Then I took photos with the same outfit, added some additional accessories, didn’t miss out on makeup, chose suitable lighting and of course, picked the best shots.

Kim Kardashian’s outfit

Image credits: kimkardashian

Same outfit replication

Same outfit replication with some more thought added into it

Kim Kardashian’s outfit

Image credits: splashnews

Same outfit replication

Same outfit replication after few additional steps

There are only a few steps from a horrid look to the finest result!


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#fashion, Agne Jagelaviciute, fashion inspirations, Ikona, inspiration, Kim Kardashian, Lithuania, Stiliusos, style tips, stylist