25 Of The Dumbest Questions That Caught People Off Gaurd

Published 2 months ago

Asking questions is generally considered a good thing. It indicates a curiosity to learn and acquire new knowledge. However, this particular collection of posts proves that there is such a thing as a dumb question after all. 

The following responses were shared when one Redditor asked, “What’s the stupidest question someone ever asked you?” Scroll below to check out the most mind-numbingly unhinged queries people have heard that may surely leave you either baffled or bemused.

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Image source: anon, LYCS Architecture/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

-can you stay overtime?

-am I getting paid extra?

-you are already getting paid a salary

-I get paid for 40 hours a week.

-do it for the company

-what does the company do for me?

-it gives you a job

-I work for money. It’s business. The company keeps me because it’s profitable for the company.

Never work for free, kids.

#2 I am quite tall in comparison to the average height of where I live.

Image source: RuinEleint, Good Faces/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

A coworker: “Don’t you think you are being a bit inconsiderate, being so tall?”

I still don’t know what they were trying to say.

#3 I was talking to someone and mentioned that I had visited Japan the previous year. “Oh, is that where Japanese people come from?” I was taken aback for like 3 seconds before I stammered out a yeah.

Image source: Hailene2092, Raphael Lopes/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#4 Her: Whats the longest 5k you ever ran?

Image source: anon, Hans Isaacson/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Me: 5k

Her: I thought there were longer ones?

Me: Yeah, 8k, 10k, half marathon, etc

Her: so the longest 5k you ever ran was a half marathon?

Me: what the f**k is happening.

#5 Was living in my spouses deceased grandparents house. Had a phone call:

Image source: getrealpeople, Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Caller: may I speak to Mr. deceased?
Me: uhh no I’m sorry he passed away.
Caller: may I speak to Mrs. diseased then?
Me: she died recently too.
Caller: Well then when you you expect them back.
Me: Hopefully no time soon!!

#6 Person: “I can’t move to England, I don’t even know what language they speak!”

Image source: Bodidiva, Fa Trinca/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Me: “English… England… English…”

Person: “Are you sure?”.

#7 Client called at 8am, livid, and said “You guys are a terrible company that can’t even build a calendar app right, I tried to make a booking for 30 February and couldn’t even find it. Tell me how do I make a booking for 30 Feb if it only displays till 29 Feb?”

Image source: athenakang, Andrej Lišakov/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#8 _as I help my 94 year old granddad set up his walker next to the car, my 81 year old grandma and her two crutches_ Whyyyyy are you parked in the disabled spot? It’s for the nice views, a*****e.

Image source: pedanticpterodactyl, Bernardo Lorena Ponte/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#9 “Can you take off your glasses?”

Image source: too-many-animals, Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

“Yes… I can?” *Takes them off*

“I never knew you can take glasses off”

#10 Was the IT admin for a small company at the time. The power went out, as happens occasionally. The secretary rang my phone and asked me if the phones were working. She did not say she was testing to see, but asked if they were working. over. the. phone.

Image source: havensal, Jonathan Borba/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#11 Working in a bar with an upstairs and downstairs, one of the new waiting staff at the end of the night during clean up asked me if she should sweep the dirt up or down the stairs. I said up the stairs and left her to it.

Image source: AhmeBob, ablo Merchán Montes/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#12 “What are eggs made of?”. Not like chemical make up, but if they had flour in them. Cause of the whites. If they had butter in them. Cause of the yolk. This kid (23 y/o) was a box of bricks.

Image source: stopstealingmyname, Jakub Kapusnak/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#13 Everyday. Every single day at work. Answer work phone “Dave speaking” “Hi can i speak to Dave please?”.

Image source: Sketch_x, Agustin Farias/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#14 I live in the Netherlands, and my mother is from Hong Kong. I had to do my dutch presentation about the protests happening right now, and my teacher asked a lot of questions that weren’t talked about in the presentation itself.

Image source: DetectiveChinatown, Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

But of course I could answer them all, and even correct her a few times. My classmates later asked why I know so much about the subject, and so I told them that my mother is from HK. They then proceeded to ask me “why is your mother from Hong Kong”.. I was so confused, and asked what they meant, and they just repeated the question…

#15 A: where can in find a security guard?

Image source: GuardPerson, Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Me: Security is located in the pavilion over there. They can be reached 24 hours a day.

A: What if I need them at night?

#16 “Is okay to swim with a dead dog in the pool?” -Phone call I took while working at a pool store. And no. No, it is not okay to swimming with a dead dog in the pool.

Image source: Kabufu, Faruk Tokluoğlu/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#17 Classmate: What race are you?

Image source: Superbia18, Yunus Tuğ/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Me: Ethnically I’m Polish and Chinese.

Classmate: I knew you were mixed! But are you sure you’re not Korean?

Me: Congrats, and yes, I’m sure.

Classmate: Nah man, you’re kidding me. You’re definitely Korean, I have friends that are Korean.

Me: I’m Chinese.

Classmate: Can you speak Korean?

Me: …Good bye.

#18 I am a woman with a twin brother. I can’t tell you how many people have asked me if we are identical twins…

Image source: BigEarsLongTail, iam_os/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#19 I have two roommates. We split the cost of household supplies (toilet paper, paper towels, garbage bags, etc) I recently went to target and bought these things. divided the cost by 3 and told everyone what I was doing. One of them asked if this meant she “gets money back” because she had just venmo’d me January’s rent. this is just one of many insanely stupid questions she has asked.

Image source: blackaubreyplaza, Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#20 I was the one asking the stupid question. When I was like 12 I was at a taco food truck at the county fair and my options were either a shrimp or chicken taco. I meant to ask ”is there a difference in price” because the fair always gets ya and instead I only said “what’s the difference?” The lady said “Well one’s shrimp and one’s chicken.” And I felt stupid.

Image source: toothpastenachos, Amanda Lim/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#21 My mom asked me if Florida is in California. We’re Canadian and she’s been to both states.

Image source: room32a, Done By Alex/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#22 My friend and I went to a gas station while out cruising around and she bought some munchies. She put a five on the counter and the cashier stared down at it like she’d never seen such a thing exist, and asked, without moving… “Is that a 5?” To this day I have no idea why she was so flummoxed by a five dollar bill sitting next to her cash register.

Image source: labbykun, Wonderlane/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#23 *trying to move one of those big, multi purpose weight machines, and they noticed it’s set to its heaviest setting* “Why don’t we set it to its lightest setting so it’ll be lighter?” To their credit, they realized about ten seconds later why that was a dumb question.

Image source: moe_skweeto, Malik Shibly/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#24 Customer buying a bottle of water at a coffee shop: “Is this real water?”.

Image source: saucy_awesome, Peter Werkman/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

#25 “What did people in apartments do before stairs were invented?”

Image source: Firethorn101, Nathan Dumlao/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

“Is kingdom come a place in China?”

Same person.

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



dim-witted, dumb, people, questions, stupid